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Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2017 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.

ISBN: 978-1-5268-1926-0 Contributing Writer: Lisa Varandani

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Unit 1 There’s No Place Like Home 1

Unit 2 The Sporting Life 9

Unit 3 Laugh Out Loud 17

EXPANSION Units 1–3 25

Unit 4 You Are What You Eat 31

Unit 5 Amazing Animals 39

Unit 6 What Would You Do? 47

EXPANSION Units 4–6 55

Speaking Skills 73

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Unit 1

Photo Credits


2 (barn) ©Denton Rumsey/SHUTTERSTOCK, (1) ©Roman Barelko/SHUTTERSTOCK, (2) ©stocksnapp/SHUTTERSTOCK, (3) ©emin kuliyev/SHUTTERSTOCK, (4) ©Life On White; 5 TR ©Kalim/SHUTTERSTOCK; 7 Danita Delimont; 14 (tennis match) ©Joy Brown/SHUTTERSTOCK, (TV) © arabianEye, (soccer match) ©AIZAR RALDES/AFP/Getty Images, ( jogging) ©John P Kelly/Getty; 17 Pankaj Shah; 23 TL ©Hi Brow Arabia/Alamy, (1) ©Celia Peterson/Getty, (2) ©Thomas J. Abercrombie/National Geographic/Getty Images, (3) ©David Taylor Bramley/Getty,(4) ©DKP, (5) ©Serg64/SHUTTERSTOCK; 27 Thomas Barwick; 35 ABDEL AZIZ/AFP/Getty Images; 40 TL ©iofoto/SHUTTERSTOCK, (1) ©Andresr/SHUTTERSTOCK, (2) ©Hi Brow Arabia/Alamy, (3) ©Andersen Ross, (4) ©clearandtransparent/Getty, (5) ©Grapheast/Getty; 42 ignazuri/Alamy; 43 arabianEye; 49 TL ©Jozef Sedmak/SHUTTERSTOCK, (1) ©Nik Niklz/SHUTTERSTOCK, (2) ©Dhoxax/SHUTTERSTOCK, (3) ©Ian Scott/SHUTTERSTOCK,(4) ©Kirill Vorobyev/SHUTTERSTOCK, (5) ©Shaun Robinson/SHUTTERSTOCK; 53 Taner YILDIRIM/Alamy, Neil Cameron/Alamy, Stuart Greenhalgh/Alamy; 59 (dolphin) ©ImageState/Alamy, (baby) ©Melissa King/SHUTTERSTOCK, (race car) ©Future Publishing/Getty, (farm) ©Datacraft Co Ltd/Getty,(crown) ©James Steidl/SHUTTERSTOCK, (park bench) ©Jaroslaw Grudzinski/SHUTTERSTOCK; 63 ©AFP/Getty; 71 ©Thomas Barwick.

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Unit 1

1 There’s No Place Like Home


A Write the missing letters.

1. f ____ r ____ i s ____

2. a ____ m ____ s p ____ ____ r e

3. ____ o ____ a l t ____

4. m ____ i n ____ a ____ n

5. s o ____ r o ____

6. w ____ a ____ t h

7. ____ i ____ i m a ____

8. ____ o r ____

9. c o ____ f ____ r ____

10. s ____ e ____ t ____ r

B Write the words from exercise A next to the correct definitions below.

1. ________________________: the least amount

2. ________________________: put beds, tables, chairs, and sofas in a house

3. ________________________: faithfulness and devotion

4. ________________________: sadness

5. ________________________: a house or structure that keeps you safe from outside

6. ________________________: take care of and keep in good condition

7. ________________________: a positive feeling of peace and familiarity

8. ________________________: a great quantity of money

9. ________________________: old and used

10. ________________________: the tone or mood of a place

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2 Unit 1Unit 1

1 There’s No Place Like Home

C Number the adjectives in the correct order.

2 1

My friend Pablo lives in a ( old / unique ) house. It has a (1) ( wooden / heavy )

door and (2) ( giant / old ) windows. The kitchen has (3) (Mexican / expensive / ceramic)

tiles on the floor and (4) ( beautiful / wooden / Spanish ) cabinets. There is a (5) (blue / big)

couch in the living room. The couch is covered in (6) ( Indian / silk / fancy ) pillows. On

the floor there is an (7) ( Persian / enormous / multicolored ) carpet. The bedrooms have

(8) ( small / old-fashioned ) closets, but the (9) ( wooden / tall / impressive ) beds make

up for it.

D Write a sentence for each picture. Use two or three adjectives in each sentence.

I saw a big, old, wooden barn in the countryside.

1. _____________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________





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Unit 1Unit 1

1 There’s No Place Like Home


E Insert too or enough into the correct place in each sentence.

too This house is big. (too)

1. You’re driving quickly. (enough) 4. You’re walking slowly. (too)

2. They have bathrooms for everybody. (enough) 5. That couch isn’t big. (enough)

3. I’m not rich to buy that house. (enough) 6. You’re short to play basketball. (too)

F Write a sentence that has the same meaning. Use too or enough.

G Write sentences using too or enough with the following words.

new: This house isn’t new enough.

1. small: __________________________________________________________________

2. old: ___________________________________________________________________

3. quickly: ________________________________________________________________

4. difficult: ________________________________________________________________

5. boring: ________________________________________________________________

6. time: __________________________________________________________________

7. quietly: ________________________________________________________________

8. fancy: _________________________________________________________________

too enough

She isn’t too young. She’s old enough. She’s too short. 1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________ The car isn’t new enough.

The Internet is running too slowly. 3. ______________________________

4. ______________________________ The dress isn’t large enough.

It’s too expensive. 5. ______________________________

6. ______________________________ He isn’t driving carefully enough.

The test is too difficult. 7. ______________________________

8. ______________________________ That film isn’t interesting enough.

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4 Unit 1Unit 1

1 There’s No Place Like Home

H Correct the error in each sentence.

enough The kitchen in that house is not enough big.

1. He was to late to get on the airplane.

2. Do you have time enough to go to the store?

3. His friend bought him a new, modern, big watch.

4. There is a Korean little boy at the front door.

5. Ahmed is not enough fast to win the race.

6. We had a Indian, delicious, big feast for dinner last night.

7. He can’t go on the roller coaster. He’s young enough.

8. Wagner drives a old, little, cheap car.

I Complete the conversation with the words and phrases from the box.

an arm and a leg grand megabucks reality check Cool hold on out of touch tiny

Dad: Did you see that the Johnsons’ house is for sale?

Son: Cool . I’ve always loved that house!

Dad: I know, but (1) ______________. Don’t get too excited.

Son: OK. Why?

Dad: They’re asking (2) ____________________ for it.

Son: Really? How much?

Dad: Over $500 (3) ____________________.

Son: For that (4) ____________________, old house? That’s (5) ____________________! We can’t afford that!

Dad: I know. They need a (6) ____________________.

Son: That’s true. They must be (7) ____________________ if they think that anybody will pay that much.

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Unit 1Unit 1

1 There’s No Place Like Home


J READINGRead the article about the White House. Then answer true or false.

The White House is the official residence and main workplace of the President of the United States. It is in Washington, D.C., and was built between 1792 and 1800. The White House has four stories—the Ground Floor, State Floor, Second Floor, and Third Floor, plus a two-story basem*nt. Today, the White House Complex includes the Executive Residence (where the president and his family live), the West Wing (the location of the Oval Office), the East Wing, and the Old Executive Office Building, which houses the executive offices of the President and Vice President.

There are many famous rooms in the White House. The Entrance Hall is the primary and formal entrance. It is located on the State Floor, and is entered from Pennsylvania Avenue. It opens to the Grand Staircase, which connects the State Floor to the Second Floor of the building. There are three state parlors on the State Floor of the White House: The Green Room, The Blue Room, and the Red Room. They are each decorated in shades of their respective color and have been used for small receptions, and teas.

The East Room is the largest room in the White House. It is used for entertaining, press conferences, ceremonies, and occasionally for a large dinner. The White House’s oldest possession, a portrait of George Washington that was painted in 1797, hangs in the East Room next to a portrait of his wife, Martha Washington, which was painted in 1878.

The State Dining Room is the larger of two dining rooms on the State Floor of the White House. It is used for receptions, luncheons, and larger formal dinners. The room seats 140 guests. The Family Dining Room is also located on the State Floor. The room is used for smaller, more private meals than those served in the State Dining Room. Today the president uses the Family Dining Room less for family and more for working lunches and small dinners. Family dinners are usually served on the second floor in the President’s Dining Room.

true The U.S. President lives and works at the White House.

1. _________ The White House was built 100 years ago.

2. _________ The Oval Office is in the West Wing.

3. _________ You can only enter the White House through the Entrance Hall.

4. _________ The Green Room is decorated in green.

5. _________ The portrait of Martha Washington was probably painted after she had died.

6. _________ The president’s family usually eats dinner in the Family Dining Room.

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Unit 1

1 There’s No Place Like Home1 There’s No Place Like Home

6 Unit 1

K Read the texts and answer the questions.

1. What is the shape of the Minaret at Jam? ___________________________________________

2. What is special about the use of adobe at Salwa Palace? _______________________________


3. How tall is Burj Khalifa, and why is it called “the Needle”? _______________________________


4. Underline words in the texts that mean the following: a. far away b. without any plants c. a source of water d. clever and original e. become or make something narrower at one end f. have enough space for

5. Which building would you be interested in visiting? Why? ______________________________


Burj Khalifa, UAEBurj Khalifa in Dubai, at 828

meters, is the tallest building in the world, topping the previous record holder, Taipei 101, by 319 meters. It is also called “the Needle” because of its top section that gets as thin as a needle as it tapers to the top.

The building took six years to complete and was officially opened in January 2010. It has 168 floors, which is the highest number in the world, but not all of them are large enough to use as residence or office space. The skyscraper accommodates more than 900 luxury apartments, 49 floors of offices, and a 7-star Armani Hotel with 160 rooms.

Minaret at Jam, Afghanistan

The Minaret at Jam stands in a remote valley, surrounded by barren mountains. It was built in the 12th century and it is the only well-preserved building of the period. It is 65 meters tall and was built with baked-bricks. The circular minaret, which rests on an octagonal base, had two wooden balconies and a lantern at the top.

The minaret is famous for its intricate decoration of calligraphy etched in stucco and glazed turquoise ceramics. It was nominated Afghanistan’s first World Heritage Site in 2002.

Salwa Palace, KSA Salwa Palace is the largest palace

in the historical at-Turaif district of ad-Dir’iyah. It was the first palace built by Imam Mohammad Bin Saud in 1750. His successors later added to the complex, which includes 7 main units, a mosque, an audience hall, a treasury, and a well, which cover some 10,000 m2.

Salwa Palace is a unique example of Nadji architecture and illustrates the ingenious use of adobe, not only as a material suited for the extreme desert climate, but as a means to create beautiful geometric designs. At-Turaif was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2010. It has been restored to a large extent, and it has the potential to become one of the biggest living heritage museums in the world.

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Unit 1

1 There’s No Place Like Home

7Unit 1

L Write as many words as you can to describe each part of the building (objects) in the picture. Then write sentences to describe the building using at least three adjectives in the correct order.

Objects Describing words (adjectives)

1. _____________________________________________________________________________


2. _____________________________________________________________________________


3. _____________________________________________________________________________


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Unit 1

1 There’s No Place Like Home

M WRITINGWrite about a famous house in your country.

1. Before you write, make notes in the chart.

When was it built?

Who lives there?

What makes it famous?

What does it look like on the outside?

What does it look like on the inside?

Are there any famous rooms?

2. Now use your notes to help you write your essay.

8 Unit 1

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Unit 1

1 There’s No Place Like Home

9Unit 1

N Look at the map and read the conversation. Then answer the questions.

Tom: Excuse me. How do I get to the park?

John: Take the Number 20 bus. There’s a bus stop over there. Get off at the Bookstore. The park is on the next block. You can’t miss it.

Tom: Is it far from here?

John: No, it’s about 15 minutes away.

Luis: No, no. Take the F line on the subway, and get off at Main Avenue Station. Walk down Broadway and take a left after the bank. The park is right across the street. Trust me. I live in that neighborhood.

Tom: Thanks a lot.

Luis: You’re welcome.

1. Where is Tom going? __________________________________________ .

2. What’s the bus number to the park? __________________________________________ .

3. How far away is the park? __________________________________________ .

4. What’s the subway line to the park? __________________________________________ .

O Tom took the bus and missed his stop. He is now at the Mall. Write new directions and help Tom find the park.










_______________________________________________________________________________ .

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Unit 210 Unit 1

1 There’s No Place Like Home

P Look at the picture and read the conversations. Mark O for offers and R for requests.

1. Let me carry that for you. O

2. Will you tell Sarah to bring some snacks from the kitchen?

3. I’ll tell her, and I’ll get some napkins, too.

4. Can I borrow your cell phone? I need to make a quick call.

Q Read each story. Write the conversation.

1. Your younger sister wants a box of cookies from a high shelf in the kitchen. She can’t get the box. You offer to get the cookies for her. Your sister accepts you offer.

You: __________________________________________________________

Sister: ________________________________________________________

2. Majid and Ahmed are eating dinner in a restaurant. The waiter brings the check. Majid quickly picks up the check. He wants to pay. Ahmed accepts his offer.

Majid: _________________________________________________________

Ahmed: ________________________________________________________

3. A family are moving into the apartment next door. The father of the family is carrying a heavy box. A friendly neighbor offers to help the father. The father refuses but thanks him for his offer.

Neighbor: ________________________________________________________

Father: __________________________________________________________

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Unit 2

2 The Sporting Life

11Unit 1

A Match the words with the definitions.

i commemorate a. a circular award

1. _____ drop b. a common bird that lives in cities

2. _____ marathon c. began; came from

3. _____ medal d. do something over and over in order to perfect it

4. _____ originated e. quit; stop doing

5. _____ pigeon f. brought back to life

6. _____ practice g. a 26-mile sporting event, usually running

7. _____ procession h. a stick or handle with fire at the end

8. _____ revived i. celebrate the memory of someone or something

9. _____ torch j. a parade

B Answer the questions.

1. What’s something that you practice?


2. Do you know anyone who has run a marathon? How did the person get ready for it?


3. What’s something that originated from your country?


4. What’s one way to commemorate someone?


5. Have you ever dropped something because you didn’t like it? What?


6. Where have you seen pigeons?


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12 Unit 2Unit 2

2 The Sporting Life

C Unscramble the sentences. They each have a gerund as a subject. Then check if you agree or disagree.

Agree Disagree

in the ocean / is / swimming / difficult / . e e

Swimming in the ocean is difficult.

1. good / is / roller skating / exercise / . e e


2. has / many benefits / team sports / playing / . e e


3. an important part / practicing / of playing a sport / is / . e e


4. takes / a lot of courage / car racing / . e e


5. is / playing sports / to stay in shape / a good way / . e e


6. easy / but it’s a good form of exercise / is / walking / . e e


7. a lot of leg strength / requires / cycling / . e e


8. for learning a sport / not / is / missing practice / essential / . e e


D Finish the sentences with your own ideas and opinions.

Skiing is dangerous .1. Playing tennis __________________________________________________________.

2. Skateboarding _________________________________________________________.

3. Golfing _______________________________________________________________.

4. Surfing _______________________________________________________________.

5. Playing football _________________________________________________________.

6. Scuba diving ___________________________________________________________.

7. Running ______________________________________________________________.

8. Ice-skating ____________________________________________________________.

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Unit 2Unit 2

2 The Sporting Life


E Write the superlative form of the adjective and the present perfect of the verb.

This is the best (good) game I have seen (see) in a long time.

1. ____________________ (hard) test I ____________________ (take) was in chemistry class.

2. ____________________ (long) run Binah ____________________ (take) was 10 kilometers.

3. What is ____________________ (scary) film you ____________________ (see / ever)?

4. That was ____________________ (sick) Bilal ____________________ (be).

5. What is ____________________ (bad) TV show you ____________________ (watch)?

6. Lance Armstrong is ____________________ (famous) cyclist there ____________________ (be / ever).

7. ____________________ (long) book I ____________________ (read / ever) was War and Peace.

8. What is ____________________ (exciting) sporting event you ____________________ (see / ever)?

9. This is _______________________ (tasty) meal I ____________________ (eat / ever).

10. That was ____________________ (strange) conversation Maya ____________________ (have / ever).

F Write sentences about your life. Use the superlative and the present perfect.

The smartest person: My father is the smartest person I have ever known.

1. The longest game: _______________________________________________________

2. The hardest sport: _______________________________________________________

3. The most interesting book: ________________________________________________

4. The best dinner: _________________________________________________________

5. The easiest class: ________________________________________________________

6. The farthest place: _______________________________________________________

7. The most interesting person: _______________________________________________

8. The best vacation: _______________________________________________________

9. The funniest person: _____________________________________________________

10. The most boring film: _____________________________________________________

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14 Unit 2Unit 2

2 The Sporting Life

G Write a sentence about each picture. Use either a gerund as the subject or the superlative + present perfect.

1. _____________________________________ 3. _____________________________________

2. _____________________________________ 4. _____________________________________

H Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in the box.

down pat guts knocked their socks off psyched up for

1. My brother Tom is adventurous. He likes to try new things. Even if the sport is dangerous or difficult,

he’s willing to do it. He’s ____________________ anything.

2. His favorite football team is Manchester United. Next month they are going to be playing in his city

and he has tickets! He’s ____________________!

3. Jasim is a gymnast. He has been practicing his routine on the parallel bars for months. He usually

practices 5 times a week. Next week he has a gymnastics meet. He’s not worried though, because he

has his routine ____________________.

4. Andrew is the best speed skater I know. Last week he was in a competition, and won first place! He

was so good. He really ____________________!

5. Don is an expert surfer. He has surfed all over the world—sometimes in extremely big waves!

He knows he could drown or get attacked by sharks, but he’s not scared. He has a lot of


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Unit 2Unit 2

2 The Sporting Life


I READINGRead the article and answer the questions.

The Boston Red SoxBaseball, often called “America’s Pastime,” is considered by many to be the most popular sport in the

U.S. One of the oldest and most famous baseball teams in the world is the Boston Red Sox. The club was founded in 1901, as one of eight teams in the American League. They were a dominant team in the new league—winning their first World Series in 1903. They won four more championships by 1918. Since 1912, the Red Sox’s home ballpark has been Fenway Park.

The Sale Of The BambinoWhile the first seventeen years in Red Sox history were successful, after the 1918 win, they went into

one of the longest championship droughts in baseball history. In 1919, Red Sox owner Frazee sold famous slugger Babe Ruth, who had played the previous six seasons for the Red Sox, to the rival New York Yankees. Even though Ruth had just broken the single-season home run record, hitting 29 in 1919, Frazee sold him. Legend has it that Frazee did so in order to finance a Broadway play. Many people said that they would lose for 100 years because they had sold Babe Ruth, who was also known as the Bambino.

Evidence Of The MythOver the years, the Red Sox had many excellent players, but nonetheless, they were never able to win

the World Series. They came closest in 1986, when they lost the final game in extra innings because a slow ground ball rolled through the first baseman’s legs. This infamous moment in baseball history fed the myth that the Red Sox were destined to lose for the rest of their career.

Ending The Losing StreakFinally, the losing streak ended in 2004, when the team won their sixth World Series Championship.

Since 2003, the Red Sox have competed in five American League Champion Series, have won two World Series in 2007 and 2013, and have emerged as arguably one of the most successful Major League Baseball teams of the last two decades.

1. What is the name of the Red Sox home stadium?


2. How did the Red Sox do in the early years?


3. What started the myth about the Red Sox?


4. How did they lose the 1986 World Series Championship?


5. When did the losing streak finally end?


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16 Unit 2Unit 2

2 The Sporting Life

J Read the texts and write which sports are being described. Choose 5 sports from the list. Underline the words and/or phrases that helped you.

football hockey ping pong/table tennis volleyball basketball badminton baseball taekwondo tennis polo squash

1. _______________________________ A bat and ball sport played between two teams of nine players each. The objective of the game is to score runs by hitting a ball with a bat and touching the four bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square or diamond-shaped field. Teams take turns batting and fielding. The fielding team tries to stop three hitters of the batting team from touching the base. The players on the batting team take turns hitting the ball that the pitcher of the fielding team throws. It has become the national sport of the United States.

2. _______________________________ A team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing a ball through a hoop mounted on a backboard. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it while running or passing it to a teammate. Players are not allowed to take steps carrying the ball in their hands. Rule violations are called “fouls.”

3. _______________________________ It is a game that can be played by two or four players. The players hit a lightweight, hollow ball back and forth using rackets as they stand at the two ends of a hard table divided by a net. Players have to hit the ball to return it to their opponent after only one bounce. The pace of the game is very quick and players need to react accordingly.

4. _______________________________ It is claimed to be the world’s most popular martial art. A loose translation of its name could be “the art of the foot and fist” or “the art of kicking and punching.” It combines combat techniques, self-defense, exercise, as well as philosophy.

5. _______________________________ It originated in Britain in the late 19th century. It is usually played between two players (singles) or two teams of two players each (doubles). Each player uses a racket to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over a net and into the opponent’s side of the court. The surface of the court is usually clay, asphalt, or grass.

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Unit 2Unit 2

2 The Sporting Life


K Write as many words as you can to describe what is happening in the picture. Then change these action words (verbs) into the -ing form (gerunds). Write sentences about the picture starting with the gerunds.

Action words (verbs) Gerunds (verb + ing)

1. _________________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________________


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Unit 2

2 The Sporting Life

18 Unit 2

L WRITINGDescribe the best sporting event you’ve ever seen (in person or on TV). Answer the following questions.

• What sport was it? • Who won?• Who was in the competition? • What made it exciting?• Where did you see it? • Describe highlights of the game or event.• Who were you with?

1. First make notes in the word map.

2. Now use your word map to help you write your essay.


Sporting event

Game highlights

Where and when?

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Unit 2

2 The Sporting Life

19Unit 2

M Read Saeed’s application form for a sport scholarship for a college place. Answer the questions about him. Use the present perfect simple or the present perfect progressive.

Your Name: Saeed Ali

Address: 810 Piney Lane, Paulding, MI 39348

Name of High School: Robert Morris High School

Main areas of study: Computer Science, Math, Sport

Languages: Arabic (native speaker); English, 7 years (reading, writing, speaking, listening); French, 2 years (reading, writing)

Activities: Basketball team, 4 years; Football team, 6 years; Swim team, 4 years

Achievements: Captain of the school football team; Swim coach to 30 primary students

1. Has he ever taken a computer science class?

(take) ________________________________________________________________________

2. Does he know more than one language?

(speak) _______________________________________________________________________

3. Can he read French?

(study) _______________________________________________________________________

4. Does Saeed play basketball?

(play) ________________________________________________________________________

5. Has he ever worked as a football coach?

(work) _______________________________________________________________________

6. Does he know how to play in a team?

(play) ________________________________________________________________________

7. Has Saeed ever held a position of responsibility?

(coach) _______________________________________________________________________

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Unit 320 Unit 2

2 The Sporting Life

N Rewrite the sentences. Use adverbs of manner.

Majid is very fast on his rollerblades Majid rollerblades very fast.

1. Badr is an aggressive driver. _________________________________________________________

2. Stunt pilots fly in a dangerous way. ___________________________________________________

3. Ali and Majid are slow runners. ______________________________________________________

4. Saeed is a really good player. ________________________________________________________

5. Sabah is a quiet talker. _____________________________________________________________

6. Khalid is a hard worker. ____________________________________________________________

7. Fadwa is an enthusiastic reader. ______________________________________________________

8. Adel is a good surfer. ______________________________________________________________

O Write five sentences about you. Use adverbs of manner.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________________

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Unit 3

3 Laugh Out Loud

21Unit 2

A Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

astonished bilingual fascinated irritated puzzled remarkable

Susan is fascinated by bugs. When she sees one, she puts it in a jar and keeps it. Also, she has many books about different kinds of insects, and last summer, she even went to Bug Camp!

1. Keiko is ___________________. She was born in Japan, but moved to the U.S. when she was young. Now she can speak Japanese and English perfectly.

2. I often feel ____________________ when I’m around my younger brother. He never stops talking or bothering me. Also he tries to make me play little kid games. I wish he would just leave me alone.

3. Asma’s teacher said her paper was ___________________. She gave her an A and also asked to keep a copy of it because it was so good!

4. I am ____________________ by the number of people who don’t like school. It’s amazing! We need school if we want to get anywhere in the world. I think they’re all crazy!

5. I have lost one of my shoes and I’m totally ____________________ by it. I thought I took them both off at the door last night, but this morning only one of them was there. I’ve looked everywhere, but I can’t find it. I am so confused!

B Answer the questions.

1. What fascinates you? _____________________________________________________________________

2. Do you know anybody who’s bilingual? What languages can he or she speak? _____________________________________________________________________

3. Tell about a time when you were puzzled. _____________________________________________________________________

4. Tell about a time when you were irritated. _____________________________________________________________________

5. How does a grasshopper move? _____________________________________________________________________

6. What color is a penguin? Where do they usually live? _____________________________________________________________________

7. How many legs does a centipede have? _____________________________________________________________________

8. How does a snail move? _____________________________________________________________________

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22 Unit 3Unit 3

3 Laugh Out Loud

C Complete the paragraph. Write the present or past participle of the verb in parentheses.

Last year I took my first trip to the India. I was so (excite) excited ! In

the beginning, my vacation was (1) (disappoint) ____________________ because there were problems

with my flight. First, my flight got delayed, so I had to sit in the airport in Abu Dhabi for hours and hours.

It was really (2) (bore) ____________________. Finally, they let us on the plane and we took off. When we

were close to New Delhi, they said there was bad weather and that we would have to circle. We circled

for at least an hour—I was very (3) (frustrate) ____________________. After a while, they said we were

low on fuel and we would have to land in Goa. It was so (4) (irritate) ____________________!

I had already missed almost one whole day of my vacation! I was so (5) (annoy) _________________.

Finally, after an hour in Goa, we got back on the plane and they flew us to New Delhi. I was

(6) (relieve) ____________________ when I finally got there. New Delhi turned out to be a very

(7) (excite) ____________________ city. I loved it! There are many (8) (interest) __________________

museums and it has a (9) (fascinate) ____________________ history. I went to see the monuments and

gardens at Swaminarayan Akshardham. The place was so (10) (entertain) ____________________. Even

the people were (11) (welcome) ____________________. In the end, I have to admit that it was a

(12) (satisfy) __________________ trip!

D Answer the questions. Use get + adjective or get + past participle.

What happens if you don’t get enough sleep at night?

I get very tired during the afternoon.

1. What happens if you don’t do your homework?


2. What will you do if your friends never call you?


3. What happened when you got a good grade on a test?


4. What happens if you never leave your house?


5. What will happen if your friend falls over in the mud?


6. What will happen if you accidentally fall down in front of your whole class?


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Unit 3Unit 3

3 Laugh Out Loud


E Write two the…the comparative sentences for each picture.

a. The more you practice, the better you get.

b. The older you get, the taller you get.

1. a. ________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________

2. a. ________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________

3. a. ________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________

4. a. ________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________

5. a. ________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________




4 5

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24 Unit 3Unit 3

3 Laugh Out Loud

F Finish the sentences. Use a present or past participle, get + adjective, get + past participle, or a the…the comparative.

I get impatient when I have to wait for someone .1. ___________________________________________________________ are exciting.

2. The later it gets, ________________________________________________________.

3. I got frustrated _________________________________________________________.

4. Jokes _________________________________________________________________.

5. My mother gets worried __________________________________________________.

6. ___________________________________________________________ is depressing.

7. The longer I wait, _______________________________________________________.

8. History class ___________________________________________________________.

9. The more I go to school, __________________________________________________.

10. Scary films _____________________________________________________________.

G Complete the conversation with the phrases from the box.

cheer him up getting to killer You blow me away Do you get it I have a good one To tell you the truth

Adnan: Hey, Fahd!

Fahd: What’s up, Adnan?

Adnan: Not much. Are you ready to go? It’s going to be a (1) _______________ game!

Fahd: I know! I’m so excited! Wait…where’s Ali? I thought he was coming with us.

Adnan: Nah. Ali didn’t feel like going. He’s been a bit down lately. He says all the studying is (2) _______________ him.

Fahd: Oh. That’s too bad! Maybe we can go and (3) _______________. I’ll tell him some jokes.

Adnan: That’s a great idea!

Fahd: Actually, (4) _______________.

Adnan: OK. Let’s hear it.

Fahd: Two men are talking. The first man says, “ My cat has no nose.” The second man asks, “How does it smell?” and the first man replies, “Terrible.” (5)_______________?

Adnan: Yeah, of course I get it! That was funny! (6)_______________, Fahd! Where do you get these jokes?

Fahd: (7)_______________, I look them up on the Internet.

Adnan: Hmmm…maybe I’d rather not know. C’mon, let’s go cheer up Ali!

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Unit 3Unit 3

3 Laugh Out Loud


H READINGRead the article. Then match the words and definitions.

How to Write a Funny JokeIn order to learn how to write a joke that will make people laugh, you first need to consider what

makes a joke funny. One common type of joke is one that shows the irony of a situation. This is when the listener’s assumptions about the world are the opposite of the reality in the joke. In addition, you will need to consider your audience. You will get more laughs over different types of jokes with your friends at school than you will with your grandparents.

The Setup: Setting up your joke is important. The setup should tell the audience who the characters are. Also, if it’s relevant, it should tell us where and when the joke is happening. Next, the joke should go on to explain the details of the situation. Be careful not to make your joke too long or too confusing. Keep it simple and stick to the point. Also, effective jokes have easy ways to differentiate the characters, like the first man and the second man, or the father mouse and the young mouse.

The Punch Line: The first rule in writing a good joke is that every joke needs a punch line and, more importantly, a punch word to make the audience laugh. The punch line turns the idea of the joke. Suddenly, the audience can see that their assumptions are different than the reality of the situation in the joke. In a well-written joke, the punch line is the last line of the joke, and the punch word is the last word of the punch line. This is important because otherwise people don’t know when to laugh. They will start to laugh, but then stop because they will think that the joke is not over yet.

Looking at a Joke: Now let’s look at the joke about the parrot that attends a lecture. It’s on the first page of Unit 9 of your Student Book. The joke starts:

A student with a parrot on his shoulder leaves a lecture theater. Another student follows him…This gives us a clear picture of who the characters are (a student, a parrot, and another student), where

the characters are (outside a lecture theater), and when it is taking place (after the lecture).The joke continues:He stops him and says, “I’m sorry to bother you, but I have to say, I was astonished by your parrot’s remarkable

reaction to the lecture on ancient history. He seemed frightened at the frightening parts, sad at the depressing parts, fascinated at the interesting parts, and amused at the funny parts. I could have sworn I even heard it laugh. I have to say, I was amazed. Don’t you find it surprising?” “Yes,” he replies, “I was very surprised…”

This is the body of the joke. It explains what has happened. (The parrot was listening to the lecture and seemed to understand it.) It also gives us a clear picture of the other student’s assumption (which is likely shared by the audience) that parrots shouldn’t be able to understand lectures. The student’s question “Don’t you find it surprising?” indicates that he assumes the student with the parrot will agree with him, and when he says “I was very surprised” it seems to be confirmed.

The joke finishes:He hated the class!“He hated the class!” is the punch line, and “class” is the punch word. By mention of the word “class” the

audience knows that the parrot can attend class, and the student thinks it’s normal. This juxtaposes the assumption of the listener with the reality of the situation, which in turn, makes the audience laugh!

1. ___ irony a. be a sign of2. ___ assumption b. when the reality is the opposite of the meaning3. ___ audience c. guess4. ___ stick to the point d. put beside; contrast5. ___ indicate e. people that are listening or watching 6. ___ juxtapose f. stay on topic

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26 Unit 3Unit 3

3 Laugh Out Loud

I Read the jokes and choose the best punch line. Underline the punch word.

Which tire was flat? Who was driving? I won’t have to write anything, right?

The chemical formula! I am… Tess. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

Well, you told us it’s H to O. I won’t get sick. What happened to all the books?

You don’t have any books.

1. Which joke do you think is the funniest? Why?


2. Which joke is the least funny? Why?


3. Which joke can you improve? How? Make any changes that you think are necessary.


Four high school boys were late for their morning classes. After lunch they reported to the teacher that they had had a flat tire on the way to school.

Much to their relief, the teacher smiled and said: “Well, you missed the test, so sit down and take out a piece of paper.” He waited for them to sit down.

Then he said: “First Question: ____________________________________”

A class of fifth graders was riding along in a school bus, happy to be on an educational trip. Most of them were looking out the windows and pointing to different things. All of a sudden, the teacher noticed that a boy was sitting on the floor, between the seats, with his hands over his eyes. “Why are you sitting like that? Are you OK?”

“Well,” said the boy, “if I don’t see anything, ____________________________________”

Teacher : Brian, what is the chemical formula for water?

Brian : H I J K L M N O.Teacher : What are you saying?Brian : _____________________________

Teacher : Tess, give me a sentence starting with “I.”

Tess : I is…Teacher : No, Tess… Always say, “I am.”Tess : All right…


Student : Mr. Smith, I ain’t got no books. Teacher : Young man, you mean, I don’t have

any books. You don’t have any books. We don’t have any books. They don’t have any books. Do you see what I’m getting at?

Student : I think so. _____________________________

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Unit 3Unit 3

3 Laugh Out Loud


J Write as many words as you can to describe the picture. Imagine what the boy is thinking. Write sentences to tell his thoughts and show how one thing has an effect on a second thing, e.g. The more I read about Ibn Battuta, the more I understand about his travels.

Action words (verbs) Describing words (adjectives)

1. _________________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________________


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Unit 3

3 Laugh Out Loud

K WRITINGNow it’s your turn to write a joke. Use the information in the article to help you.

1. Before you write, plan out the details of your joke in the chart.

2. Now write your joke. When you finish, read it to a classmate to see if it’s funny!

Main characters

Where (optional)

When (optional)


Audience assumption

Reality of the situation

Punch line

Punch word

28 Unit 3

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Unit 3

3 Laugh Out Loud

29Unit 3

L Look at the picture. Use the information in the thought bubbles to complete the wishes and regrets of each person. More than one answer may be possible.

I don’t know any funny jokes.


1. Fatima wishes _______________________________________________________________________

My sister didn’t find the joke amusing. She

didn’t laugh.Nawal2

2. Nawal regrets _______________________________________________________________________

My sister never tells me funny stories.


3. Aisha wishes ________________________________________________________________________

I’ve been studying all week for exams. I feel down. I

want to feel happy again.Badria4

4. Badria wishes _______________________________________________________________________

Hameed Khaled Jasem

I have one! A family of mice …

I want Hameed and Jasem to stop telling

terrible jokes!A student with

a parrot on his shoulder leaves a lecture …


5. Khaled wishes _______________________________________________________________________

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30 Unit 3

3 Laugh Out Loud


M Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

I was ( so / such) amused that I cried with laughter.

1. He was (so / such) a small child that people sometimes thought he was a baby.

2. It was (so / such) long ago that I can’t remember it.

3. She knew (so few / so little) people that nobody noticed she was missing.

4. He looked (so much / so many) like a well-known TV comedian that people would

often ask for his autograph.

5. It was (so / such) a funny show that I watched ten episodes one after the other.

6. It was (so / such) a difficult test that many students didn’t pass.

7. I was (so / such) tired that I don’t even remember getting into bed.

N Finish the sentences about people you know.

The TV show is so funny that everyone in my class watches it .

1. ________________ is so smart that _________________________________


2. ________________ is such a funny person that _______________________


3. ________________ was such an enjoyable experience that ______________


4. ________________ are so entertaining that __________________________


5. ________________ was such a fun time that _________________________


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Unit 3

1 Good Morning


EXPANSION Units 1 – 3


A Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

claustrophobic irritated pediatric reality check downsize killer psyched shelter genuine nurturing quirky spectators

My mother is the most nurturing person I know. She loves taking care of our family.

1. Now that all their children have grown up and moved away, Iris and Lou have decided to

____________________. They are going to sell their big house and buy a small condo.

2. John hates driving through tunnels. They make him feel closed in and ____________________ .

He’d rather take a longer route just to avoid them.

3. Abdullah thinks he’s going to win the talent competition. But if you ask me, he needs a

____________________ because there are lots of people in it who are far more talented than him.

4. I’m going on a trip to Argentina next month and I’m ____________________. I can’t wait!

5. There were lots of ____________________ at the football game last night. The whole town came out

to watch the game.

6. James is so ____________________. You just never know what to expect. He’s really one of a kind!

7. There’s a fly that keeps buzzing around me and it won’t stop! I’m really getting ____________________.

Where’s the insect spray?

8. Clark just got a ____________________ new snowboard! He’s already planned to go to the mountains

this weekend. He can’t wait to try it out!

9. Sahar really loves children and she’s interested in the medical field, so she decided to become a

____________________ nurse.

10. This is a ____________________ pearl. You can tell it’s real because if you rub it against your teeth, it

feels gritty.

11. If you are outside and you hear or see a thunderstorm, you should find ____________________.

However, you should never get under a tree.

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EXPANSION Units 1 – 3

32 EXPANSION Units 1–3EXPANSION Units 1–3

B Put the new adjective in the correct place in each sentence.

Janet is a little girl. (polite) Janet is a polite, little girl.

1. That’s a nice car! (new) __________________________________________________

2. I can’t find my black shoes. (leather) ____________________________________________

3. The little penguin jumped into the water. (black and white / cute) _____________________________________________________________________

4. I bought a beautiful chair. (velvet / French) ___________________________________

5. The gray mouse ran into a hole. (little / frightened) _____________________________

6. My old bike is ready to retire. (racing / blue) __________________________________

C Read each scenario. For each one, write a complaint with too and a complaint with enough.

It has been snowing for days. It’s cold out and you are sick of being stuck inside. It’s difficult to walk anywhere because there is so much snow on the ground.

a. It’s snowing too much. b. There’s not enough to do.

1. Faisal is on a football team. He has practice every day for three hours. He likes football, but he is starting to get behind at school because he doesn’t have any time to study. a. ______________________________ b. __________________________________

2. Kevin thinks he’s really funny. He’s always telling jokes. Even when his friends are upset and need advice, he jokes around. a. ______________________________ b. __________________________________

3. Your parents just bought a new house. It’s really big, which is nice, but you are sleeping on the first floor and they are sleeping on the third floor. You are frightened. a. ______________________________ b. __________________________________

D Complete each sentence. Use a gerund as the subject of each sentence and a present participle as an adjective.

Watching comedies is amusing.

1. Skateboarding _____________________________________________.

2. Going to the basketball game __________________________________.

3. _____________________________________________ is embarrassing.

4. ____________________________________________ is disappointing.

5. Winning a gold medal ________________________________________.

6. __________________________________________________ is boring.

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1 Good Morning


EXPANSION Units 1 – 3


E Complete the sentences with the superlative and the present perfect.

That was the funniest (funny) joke I have ever heard (hear / ever).

1. It’s ____________________ (big) house they ____________________ (see / ever).

2. That was ____________________ (irritated) Randy ____________________ (feel) in years.

3. He is ____________________ (annoying) person Bill ____________________ (meet / ever).

4. That’s ____________________ (cool) car I ____________________ (see / ever).

5. It’s ____________________ (uncomfortable) couch we ____________________ (own).

6. It must be ____________________ (bad) sitcom that ____________________ (be / ever) on TV.

7. This is ____________________ (tired) I ____________________ (be) in a long time.

8. This is ____________________ (frustrated) I ____________________ (see / ever) them.

F Read the conversation. Circle the correct adjectives.

Jamal: Hey Abdullah, what’s wrong?.

Abdullah: Oh nothing. I’m just ( exhausted / exhausting ). I’ve been working all week. It’s really (1) ( annoyed / annoying ).

Jamal: That sounds (2) ( depressed / depressing ). Will you get a break this weekend? There’s an (3) ( interested / interesting ) restaurant opening.

Abdullah: I would like to, but I have to take care of my little brother. I’m really (4) ( disappointed / disappointing ) because I need a break.

Jamal: Well, maybe you can do something (5) ( entertained / entertaining ) with your little brother.

Abdullah: Yeah, we’ll probably go downtown. The only thing is that I’m (6) ( embarrassed / embarrassing ) to be seen hanging out with a twelve-year-old.

Jamal: Really? That’s (7) ( puzzled / puzzling ). I’m sure people will admire you for taking care of your little brother!

Abdullah: That’s true. Hopefully I won’t be too (8) ( irritated / irritating ) by hanging out with him all weekend.

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EXPANSION Units 1 – 3

34 EXPANSION Units 1–3EXPANSION Units 1–3

G Read the account of a real incident that caused a lot of laughter and answer the questions.

1. Where did the incident take place? __________________________________________________________________________________..

2. Who were the people involved? __________________________________________________________________________________..

3. What caused the painting to fall? __________________________________________________________________________________..

4. Did anyone get hurt? __________________________________________________________________________________..

5. What was the doctor’s initial reaction? __________________________________________________________________________________..

6. What caused him to start laughing uncontrollably? __________________________________________________________________________________..

7. Why do you think he wanted to keep the mark on the wall? __________________________________________________________________________________..

8. What would you have done if you’d been in his position? __________________________________________________________________________________..

My father was sitting at his desk, talking to a patient. He was a dedicated medical doctor and used to get very absorbed in his work. This often prevented him from noticing other mundane things around him, such as untidiness, worn out hinges, nails that were about to come off the wall, etc.

Anyway, he started looking for some medication that he had left on his desk. He was obviously not happy when he realized that someone must have gone in to tidy up in his absence, against his express wishes not to touch anything on his desk. Feeling quite annoyed he banged his hand on the desk, upon which the patient was startled and jumped up as a large painting that was on the wall over my father’s chair and desk, came down, was ripped when it landed on his head, and ended up resting on his shoulders like a huge rectangular collar. Fortunately, he was not hurt. It was a

very old oil painting and the canvas must have been quite fragile.

The patient, who was initially horrified, stood there trying to suppress his laughter with my father glaring at him, livid with anger, until he stole a look in the mirror diagonally opposite his desk and saw himself collared by the painting, with his head sticking out. He started laughing so hard, they couldn’t get the painting off him. And as this kind of laughter happens to be quite infectious everyone who was there witnessing the scene couldn’t stop laughing either. He later said that the sight was so surreal, he could not help himself. He never had another painting above his desk after that, but would chuckle for months when he entered his office and saw the mark on the wall. He grudgingly let someone paint the wall nearly a year later.

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1 Good Morning


EXPANSION Units 1 – 3


H Write as many words as you can about what you see in the picture. Write your words under each heading below. Then write sentences about the picture using some of your words.

Naming words (nouns)

Action words (verbs)

Describing words (adjectives)

Place words (where)

Time words (when)

1. __________________________________________________________________________________


2. __________________________________________________________________________________


3. __________________________________________________________________________________


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Unit 4

EXPANSION Units 1 – 3

36 EXPANSION Units 1–3

I WRITINGWrite about a time you couldn’t stop laughing. Explain what happened that made you laugh so hard.

1. Before you write, use a cause and effect chart to organize your ideas.

2. Now write your essay. When you’ve finished, re-read your essay and delete unnecessary words and phrases.

Cause Effect

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Unit 4

4 You Are What You Eat

37EXPANSION Units 1–3

A Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

aroma delicacy licensed peak bitter distinguish locks in toxins

Did you know that camel humps are a delicacy in China? They are usually boiled before they are served, but they are sometimes eaten raw!

1. Paint has lots of ____________________ in it, so you should try not to breathe in the fumes.

2. Tom wants to get ____________________ to fish so that he can catch some of the food his family eats.

3. It’s true that I can run 5 kilometers now, but years ago, when I was at my ____________________,

I could run 10 kilometers.

4. I put a lot of sugar and milk in my coffee because otherwise it tastes too ____________________.

5. Some people say that you should soak a turkey in salt water before you bake it. Apparently, this

____________________ all the juice, so it doesn’t get dried out in the oven.

6. The ____________________ of fresh baked bread in the kitchen is making my mouth water.

7. My mother is such a gourmet cook that it’s difficult to ____________________ between her cooking

and restaurant cooking.

B Answer the questions.

1. What are two things people need to be licensed to do?


2. What’s an aroma that you like? What’s one you don’t like?


3. Give an example of a bitter food.


4. Give an example of a sour food.


5. Give two examples of delicacies.


6. Why are toxins bad for us?


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38 Unit 4Unit 4

4 You Are What You Eat

C Find the phrasal verb in each sentence. Write V above the verb, P above the particle, and O above the object in each sentence. If there is a preposition, write Prep above it.

V P O Todd, would you wake up your sister? It’s time for breakfast.

1. I’m starving! Let’s whip up a snack!

2. Don’t you think we should talk it over?

3. I need to catch up on my favorite TV show.

4. This calls for a celebration!

5. After a big meal, I usually go running to try to burn it off.

6. I gave up eating meat a year ago.

7. My mother needs to come up with a menu for the dinner celebration.

8. Cheese was on sale at the store, so I loaded up on it.

D Write the phrasal verbs and objects into the conversation.

Mohammed: Hey Jasim, have you ever (think about / becoming a vegetarian) thought about becoming a vegetarian ?

Jasim: Not really. I think it would be difficult to (1) (give up / meat) __________________.

Mohammed: It’s actually not hard at all, and it’s a way to (2) (cut down on / foods) _____________________ that are high in fat and cholesterol.

Jasim: I just feel like I would (3) (run out of / energy) ______________________ or (4) (come down with / a cold) ______________________ if I didn’t get nutrients from meat.

Mohammed: Actually, most vegetarians (5) (load up on / other foods) ______________________, such as vegetables, fruit, bread, and cheese, and those have nutrients in them too.

Jasim: That’s true. But what if I (6) (turn into / a health nut) ______________________?

Mohammed: Well, there’s nothing wrong with that! And anyway, I know you can (7) (whip up / lots of delicious foods) ______________________.

Jasim: Well, it might be fun, but I have to (8) (think over / it) ______________________.

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Unit 4Unit 4

4 You Are What You Eat


E Rewrite the sentences. Use a pronoun object in place of the noun object.

I think it’s time to throw out the leftover chicken.

I think it’s time to throw it out.

1. Bill’s tired of pizza. Let’s eat something else. ______________________________________________________________________

2. It’s difficult to tell apart beef and buffalo meat. ______________________________________________________________________

3. She’s trying to cut down on sugar. ______________________________________________________________________

4. Tom sent back his potatoes to the kitchen. ______________________________________________________________________

5. Yesterday, I came across peanut butter ice cream. It was delicious. ______________________________________________________________________

6. Jake is taking his parents out for dinner tonight. ______________________________________________________________________

F Complete the conversation with the words and phrases from the box.

come to think of it quite the spread have a sweet tooth put you out whip them up in no time

Maya: Are you hungry?

Lisa: A little.

Maya: I can make a snack. How about some nachos?

Lisa: Oh, thank you, but I don’t want to (1) ________________________. You’re busy with other things.

Maya: It’s no trouble at all. I can (2) ________________________! Really, I make them all the time and it’s very fast.

Lisa: Thanks, I’d love some, but to tell you the truth, I (3) _______________________. How about something sugary?

Maya: Oh, no problem. (4) _________________________, I baked cookies this morning. I almost forgot! I also have some cake that I made yesterday and leftover pie from two days ago. Please help yourself to any of it.

Lisa: Wow! This is a huge (5) _______________________! There are so many choices! You’re (6) _________________________ cook, aren’t you? I’m impressed.

Maya: Oh, thank you! I just hope you’ll save room for dinner!

Lisa: Well, I’ll try, but I can’t make any promises.

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40 Unit 4Unit 4

4 You Are What You Eat


G Write a sentence about each picture using a phrasal verb and a noun object. Then rewrite the same sentence using a pronoun object instead.

a. Don’t forget to take the cookies out of the oven. b. Don’t forget to take them out of the oven.

1. a. _______________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________

2. a. _______________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________

3. a. _______________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________

4. a. _______________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________

5. a. _______________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________






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Unit 4Unit 4

4 You Are What You Eat


H READINGRead the article and answer the questions.

Fast Food: The Typical Food of the U.S.?If you ask people from around the world what the typical food of their country is, most of them have

an answer. The Brazilians will tell you feijoada, the Koreans will tell you kimchi, and the Spaniards will tell you paella. However, if you ask someone from the U.S., they usually aren’t sure. They might say apple pie or pizza or beef burgers, or they might say they don’t have one. Yet others might tell you that typical American food is McDonald’s. In fact, with a long history that is deeply integrated with U.S. culture, McDonald’s and fast food may just be typical of the U.S.

The history of McDonald’s is a good example of the American Dream—the idea that with hard work, anyone can build a successful life in the United States. In the early 1930s, brothers Dick and Mac McDonald left their native New Hampshire to make it big in California. After several years, they had not done as well as they had hoped, so they decided to leave. They had saved enough money to open a small drive-in sandwich stand in Southern California, which became their next venture. After three successful years, they decided to open a bigger restaurant, this time serving mostly beef burgers. The restaurant did exceedingly well and the brothers got rich, partially due to the low prices they charged for a burger. People would stand in line to buy bags of beef burgers.

By the late 1940s, the brothers were tired of the work that went into running a restaurant, and came up with the Speedee Service System as a new way of operating. They served mostly burgers and foods that could be eaten without a fork, knife, or spoon. They started using paper plates, cups and bags, and using assembly lines in the kitchen that were similar to the ones used in factories. All of the burgers were prepared the same with ketchup, mustard, pickles and onions, and no substitutions. It was the birth of a true self-service restaurant, which later became a franchise company that allowed other owners to open McDonald’s. By the late 1950s, their operation had been bought and expanded by Ray Kroc who founded the present-day McDonald’s Corporation. Today, the McDonald’s Corporation is the world’s largest chain of fast food restaurants, serving nearly 47 million customers worldwide every day.

There is also much criticism of McDonald’s that is centered around its menu and its business practices. In 2002, Morgan Spurlock’s film Supersize Me! said that McDonald’s was contributing to the obesity epidemic in the U.S. and targeting children in their advertising.

McDonald’s has responded to some of this criticism by no longer making foods with trans-fats and using partially recycled paper products. It will no doubt continue to be criticized, just as it will likely continue to be successful.

1. Where were the McDonald brothers from originally? _______________________________________

2. What food did they serve in their first restaurant? _________________________________________

3. What was the Speedee Service System? What made it different from other restaurants at that time? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

4. Who founded the current McDonald’s Corporation? _______________________________________

5. What are two things that people criticize about McDonald’s? ________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

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42 Unit 4Unit 4

4 You Are What You Eat

I Read the list of ingredients for the pasta salad. Are there any ingredients that you don’t like? What would you replace them with? Would you add anything?

Number the instructions in the right order.

_____ Put the pasta in a large bowl and mix in the tuna and the vegetables. Add the mayonnaise and stir.

_____ Add a dash of Tabasco sauce.

1 Boil the pasta in a large pan of water with ½ a tablespoon of salt and 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil for about 12-15 minutes.

_____ Serve cold with slices of tomato and cucumber.

_____ Rinse and let it cool in a colander.

_____ Cover the bowl with cling wrap or foil and leave in the refrigerator for about two hours.

_____ Chop parsley and spring onions finely, dice the peppers, and put them in a bowl.

_____ Add salt, pepper, and a dash of soy sauce.

_____ Take the tuna out of the tin and mash it with a fork. Then mix it in with the chopped vegetables.

J Answer the questions.

1. Do you always have a salad with your meal? What kind of salad? __________________________________________________________________________________

2. Do you always have dessert? What kind of dessert do you prefer? __________________________________________________________________________________

3. Which vegetables are more popular in your country? Why? __________________________________________________________________________________

4. Which meat dishes are more popular? Why? __________________________________________________________________________________

5. Is yogurt a staple in people’s diet? Why? Why not? __________________________________________________________________________________

Pasta salad500 grams bow-shaped pasta 1 yellow, 1 red, and 1 green pepper, diced1 cup parsley, finely chopped½ cup spring onion, finely chopped1 ½ cup mayonnaise or yogurt dressing300-400 grams tinned tuna fillet Salt

PepperSoy sauce and Tabasco sauce (optional)

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Unit 4Unit 4

4 You Are What You Eat


K Study the picture and write down as many two-word and three-word phrasal verbs as you can. Use the phrasal verbs to write sentences about the picture.

Two-word phrasal verbs Three-word phrasal verbs

1. _________________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________________


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Unit 4

4 You Are What You Eat

44 Unit 4

L WRITINGWrite a description of a famous dish in your country. Answer the following questions in your essay.

• What is the name of the food?• What are the ingredients? How do you make it?• What does it taste like? Do you like it? Why or why not?• When do people usually eat it? (For example: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?

During a special holiday? As a snack?)

1. Before you write, make notes in the graphic organizer.

2. Now write your essay. Use your graphic organizer to help you.

Name of food

Do you like it?

When do you eat it?

What are the ingredients?

What does it taste like?

How do you make it?

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Unit 4

4 You Are What You Eat

45Unit 4

M Mark the nouns with C for count or N for noncount.

1. ____ meat

2. ____ banana

3. ____ eggs

4. ____ milk

5. ____ sugar

6. ____ cookie

7. ____ ice cream

8. ____ juice

9. ____ pineapple

N Look at the picture in M. Write about the foods.


Q: Is there any juice? A: No, there isn’t any juice.


Q: Are there any pineapples? A: Yes, there are some pineapples.

1. meat

Q: _______________________________ ?

A: _______________________________ .

2. eggs

Q: _______________________________ ?

A: _______________________________ .

3. ice cream

Q: _______________________________ ?

A: _______________________________ .

4. sugar

Q: _______________________________ ?

A: _______________________________ .

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Unit 546 Unit 4

4 You Are What You Eat

O Read each group of words. Write the word which does not belong.

1. margarine sugar vanilla spoon cocoa _________________

2. oven bowl chop pan cup _________________

3. stir eggs add mix mash _________________

4. half minutes a quarter degrees taste _________________

P Complete the recipe with a word from O. More than one answer may be possible.

BrowniesIngredients Directions

¾ cup of margarine1 ½ cups sugar1 ½ teaspoons of vanilla3 eggs¾ cup flour½ cup dark cocoa½ teaspoon baking powder½ teaspoon salt

(1.) Mix the margarine, sugar, and vanilla in a (2.) _____________.

Add the eggs, and mix well. After that, (3.) _____________ the flour,

cocoa, baking powder, and salt and mix well. Put the mixture into a

baking (4.) _____________, and bake it in a hot (5) _____________

at 180˚ C (350˚ F) for 40 to 45 (6.) _____________.

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Unit 5

5 Amazing Animals

47Unit 4

A Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

abstract bond pampered adapted duration released affectionate embraced residence

Birds can be very affectionate towards their babies. They sit close to them and feed them until they are ready to leave the nest.

1. When I go to college next year, I am hoping to get an on-campus ____________________ because I want to live near all the other students.

2. Today he is going to get himself totally ____________________. He’s going to get his hair cut, and his dishdash cleaned and starched.

3. I prefer art that shows animals and scenery to ____________________ art. I like to know what I’m looking at.

4. The baby birds will be ____________________ into nature again after they learn to fly. We must be sure they will be able to survive out in the wild.

5. I was so happy to see my brother that I ____________________ him when I got home from vacation.

6. Many people form a very strong ____________________ with their pets.

7. My sister had to have surgery last week. Even though the ____________________ of the surgery was only 20 minutes, it seemed like a really long time.

8. We ____________________ well to living in a new house. My father was worried that it would be difficult for us to adjust to the new place.

B Answer the questions.

1. When do you usually embrace someone?___________________________________


2. Who do you know that is affectionate? Describe him or her. _____________________


3. Do you like abstract art? Why or why not? ___________________________________


4. Describe your current residence. __________________________________________


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48 Unit 5Unit 5

5 Amazing Animals

C Complete the sentences with the active or passive form of the verbs in parentheses.

co*ckatoos can live (live) to be 100 years old.

Cats can be left (leave) alone over night.

1. Some animals shouldn’t ________________________ (feed) chocolate.

2. We may ______________________ (get) a parrot.

3. Hunting licenses must ________________________ (purchase) at City Hall.

4. You can’t ________________________ (buy) another parrot. You have 3 already!

5. Pets must __________________________ (feed) every day.

6. Small birds should ________________________ (keep) in cages.

7. You have to _______________________ (clean) your parrot’s cage every week.

8. The new store will ________________________ (open) tomorrow.

D Change the sentences from active to passive voice. Use a passive modal or a passive reporting verb.

Bears can smell food from great distances.

Food can be smelled by bears from great distances.

1. You can use Bear Spray if a bear approaches you in the wild. ______________________________________________________________________

2. People should not feed wild animals. ______________________________________________________________________

3. A bell may warn a bear. ______________________________________________________________________

4. People must keep their food up in trees. ______________________________________________________________________

5. You have to clean up the food from your campsite. ______________________________________________________________________

6. People must not leave garbage behind. ______________________________________________________________________

7. People say that bears follow the scent of food. ______________________________________________________________________

8. You shouldn’t leave the trail at any time. ______________________________________________________________________

9. People believe that running from bears is more dangerous than standing still. ______________________________________________________________________

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Unit 5Unit 5

5 Amazing Animals


E Write two sentences about each picture. Use a passive modal or a passive reporting verb in each one.

a. It is believed that climate change caused the dinosaurs to become extinct.

b. Dinosaur fossils must be studied to find out why the dinosaurs became extinct.

1. a. __________________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________________

2. a. __________________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________________

3. a. __________________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________________

4. a. __________________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________________

5. a. __________________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________________




4 5

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50 Unit 5Unit 5

5 Amazing Animals


F Correct the error in each sentence.

found Dolphins can be find in oceans around the world.

1. Dolphins considered to be one of the most intelligent animals.

2. It is says that dolphins evolved 10 million years ago.

3. Even though dolphins are friendly, people should careful when swimming near them.

4. Sounds from very far away is can heard by dolphins.

5. It believed that dolphins need to live in groups to be happy.

6. Tricks can is teached to dolphins.

7. Dolphins must keep in salt water.

8. Tuna should been bought from companies that practice dolphin-safe fishing.

G Complete the conversation with the phrases from the box.

24/7 back to the drawing board calling the shots get to the point hang in there

Badria: I found this cat outside our apartment door yesterday.

Mariam: Really? Did you call the building security? You can give them its tag number and they’ll tell you who it belongs to.

Badria: I did call them, but they said its tags weren’t valid. So it was (1) _________________________.

Mariam: Well, maybe you could call the animal shelter.

Badria: Actually, I already did that too. They said they are very busy because people are finding stray cats (2) _____________________. They will only keep it for three days before they put it to sleep.

Mariam: Really? That’s so fast!

Badria: I know. I think so too, but I’m not the person (3) _________________________ at the shelter, so there’s nothing I can do about it.

Mariam: Well, if I were you, I’d try to find someone to adopt it.

Badria: Good idea. So, let me (4) ________________________. Are you interested in adopting this cat?

Mariam: Me? Actually, my mom won’t let me have a cat. I’m sorry. But (5) _________________________! Somebody will want to adopt it.

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Unit 5Unit 5

5 Amazing Animals


H READINGRead the article. Then answer true or false.

Mythical AnimalsThere are many animals that are mythical, or not real. It is agreed that most mythical animals, such as a

dragon or a unicorn, truly are myth. However, with others, such as Bigfoot, the Chupacabra, and the Loch Ness Monster, there is more of a debate. Read on, and then you can decide for yourself if you think they are real or myth.

BigfootThere have been numerous sightings of a large, hairy creature known as Bigfoot. It is believed that this

creature roams the forests of North America and looks like an enormous ape that walks on two feet. It is said that the same or similar creatures are found around the world under different regional names, most prominently the Yeti of the Himalayas. Witnesses have described Bigfoot as having large eyes and a large, low-set forehead. It is also reported to have a strong, unpleasant smell and enormous footprints. Bigfoot is believed to be omnivorous and mainly nocturnal. The scientific community considers Bigfoot to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoaxes, rather than a real creature.

The ChupacabraThe legendary Chupacabra has puzzled zoologists for over 50 years. Stories of a strange beast drinking

the blood of livestock were first reported in Puerto Rico in the 1950s. Since then, other sightings have been reported in Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and the U.S. Most eye-witnesses describe a beast that stands over one meter tall, which hops like a kangaroo on its hind legs. It is said to have leathery skin with long, sharp spines along its back. Witnesses also say that when alarmed, its red eyes glow and it gives off an unpleasant odor. Skeptics claim the Chupacabra is little more than a hoax or a mistaken identity, but others believe it actually exists.

The Loch Ness MonsterThousands of people have reported seeing the Loch Ness Monster. This creature is said to live in the

depths of the Scottish lake, Loch Ness, and supposedly resembles a dinosaur. The Loch Ness Monster first entered the public eye in 1933, when a newspaper published a full-page story about a couple who had been visiting Loch Ness and had seen a prehistoric animal with another animal in its mouth. Yet evidence of its existence is anecdotal, with minimal and much-disputed photographic material and sonar readings. The scientific community regards the Loch Ness Monster as a modern day myth, and explains sightings as a mix of pranks and wishful thinking.

1. _____ Many people think dragons are real.

2. _____ Bigfoot has mostly been seen in North America.

3. _____ Bigfoot looks similar to a goat.

4. _____ The Chupacabra attacks farm animals.

5. _____ The Loch Ness Monster is believed to live in a lake.

6. _____ Scientists think that the Loch Ness Monster is probably real.

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52 Unit 5Unit 5

5 Amazing Animals

I A. What do you know about these mythical animals? Complete the sentences with the name of the right mythical beast.

Unicorns Pegasus Hydra The Sphinx Dragons

______________ is a multi-headed serpent with blood and breath so poisonous that it could kill a man by simply blowing on him.

______________ has the body of a lion and the head of a human.

______________ are depicted by most cultures as beautiful white horses with a long, spiraling horn extending from the forehead.

______________ are depicted as large reptiles that spit fire or let out poisonous gases through their nostrils.

______________ is thought of as a beautiful winged horse.

B. Match and list the words that are associated with each mythical animal next to its name. Some words can be used with more than one or two animals.

multi-headed riddles poisonous guardian horse invincible terrifying gentle mysterious intellectual horn devour purity goodness symbol rainbow winged wise courage heroism protector

Hydra invincible, terrifying The Sphinx _____________________________________________________________

Unicorns _______________________________________________________________

Pegasus _______________________________________________________________

Dragons _______________________________________________________________

C. Choose one of the mythical animals and write sentences about it.





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Unit 5Unit 5

5 Amazing Animals


J Study the pictures and write notes about what you already know about each animal. Use your notes to write sentences about the animals. Start your sentences with: It is said…, It is believed…, It is thought…, or other passive reporting verbs.

What I already know about...




1. a. ________________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________________

2. a. ________________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________________

3. a. ________________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________________



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Unit 5

5 Amazing Animals


1. Choose a mythical animal to write about. 2. Before you write, use the chart to gather and organize your ideas. Remember to write what you already

know about the animal in the K column, what you want to know in the W column, and what you learned from research in the L column.

3. Now write your essay. Use your KWL chart to help you.


W(Want to Know)


54 Unit 5

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Unit 5

5 Amazing Animals

55Unit 5

L Read the text and answer the questions.

The Great White: The World’s Most Dangerous FishThe great white shark is one of the oldest living species on Earth—it existed 350 million years ago. It is the largest and the most dangerous predatory fish, and it is the most feared by humans. Great white sharks can grow up to 20 feet (6 meters) long and weigh up to 4,400 pounds (2,000 kilograms). They have about 3,000 teeth arranged in several rows. When the front teeth break or fall out, these teeth are replaced by others from the next row. A shark’s hearing is very sensitive, and they can hear their prey from many miles away. They can also detect one part per million of blood in seawater.”

1. Which is the world’s most dangerous fish?


2. How big can a great white shark grow?


3. How heavy can a great white shark become?


4. Which of the six senses are the most sensitive for this animal?


M Use some of the adjectives in the box below to write about another amazing animal.

dangerous fast slow big heavy tiny intelligent extinct






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Unit 656 Unit 5

5 Amazing Animals

N Correct the errors in the sentences.

1. I think the most suitable pet is either a cat nor a turtle.

2. Both my sister and my mother likes big cats.

3. Neither my uncle nor my brother liked the zoo, so they went to visit it again.

4. Both ‘Humphrey’ and ‘Sybil’ is famous mousers.

5. All the cheetah and the lion are fast animals.

6. Neither John or his parents will have the chance to visit Africa this year.

7. The wildlife documentary was neither popular nor interesting, and also it won an award.

O Rewrite sentences about the pictures so the meaning stays the same. Use paired conjunctions both…and, either…or, or neither…nor.

1 2 3

1. Cats can run fast and so can mice.



2. Jon and Adel did not join the after-school Computer Club. Jon and Adel joined the after-school

Creative Workshop instead.



3. Sam and Ali like fishing. Ali caught a fish but Sam didn’t.



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Unit 6

6 What Would You Do?

57Unit 5

A Unscramble the words and phrases.

d t t e m e p tempted

1. y o m r l a l _____________________________

2. t a m e o t v i _____________________________

3. s h a v i n _____________________________

4. r a d e d _____________________________

5. e g t y a a w h i t w t i _____________________________

6. s p r e e l o b n s i _____________________________

7. s e a n o r _____________________________

B Write the words from exercise A next to their definitions below.

responsible : be blamed for something; guilty for something that happened

1. ______________________: wanted to do something (usually wrong)

2. ______________________: fear

3. ______________________: disappear

4. ______________________: think through something logically

5. ______________________: give someone a reason to do something; to get someone

excited about something

6. ______________________: not be held responsible for something you do (usually wrong)

7. ______________________: ethically; related to what is right or wrong

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58 Unit 6Unit 6

6 What Would You Do?

C Write the verbs in the correct tense to finish the hypothetical or past hypothetical conditional sentences.

If Ali hadn’t sat out in the sun all day, he might not have gotten (get) a sunburn.

1. If he _____________________ (have) a fast car, he would drive at high speeds all the time.

2. If it hadn’t rained all weekend, the game _____________________________ (be) canceled.

3. If Sabah __________________________ (get) cold, she would have put on a blanket.

4. If he ____________________________ (be) smart, he wouldn’t drive so fast.

5. If we had reviewed our notes every day, we __________________________ (remember)

the lesson better.

6. If I walked to school every day, I __________________________ (stay) in shape.

7. If I had the time, I ____________________________ (learn) to speak French.

8. If I ___________________________ (sleep) so late, I might have been finished by now.

D Finish the sentences. Use hypothetical conditionals or past hypothetical conditionals.

1. If I spoke English perfectly, ________________________________________________.

2. If you hadn’t forgotten to do your homework, _________________________________.

3. _____________________________________________________, I would go to Paris.

4. ____________________________________________, she might not have gotten sick.

5. If I were you, ___________________________________________________________.

6. If he hadn’t eaten so much, ________________________________________________.

7. If money grew on trees, ___________________________________________________.

8. If she had taken the bus home from school, ___________________________________.

9. ________________________________________, I might have done well on the test.

10. If I found a wallet, _______________________________________________________.

11. If I had found your wallet, _________________________________________________.

12. If the world were a perfect place, ___________________________________________.

13. If my watch hadn’t broken, ________________________________________________.

14. _____________________________________________, I wouldn’t be here right now.

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Unit 6Unit 6

6 What Would You Do?


E Complete the sentences with the correct verb form for unreal situations.

He looks as if he were (be) the King of Zyrdostan.

1. They behaved as though they _____________________ (know) each other for years.

2. It looks as though they ____________________ (be / not) here for a while.

3. He acts as if he _________________________ (be) innocent.

4. I try to talk as if I _______________________ (be) a few years older.

5. She laughed as if she ______________________ (think) it was funny.

6. There was water all over the street, as though it ______________________ (rain).

7. They walked right in, as though they _________________________ (live) here.

8. She ran away as if she ________________________ (be) offended.

F Write a sentence about each picture. Use the subject and verb given with as if or as though.

(he / swim) 1. (he / act)

He swims as if he were a dolphin. _______________________________________

2. (he / drive) 3. (it / smell)

_______________________________________ _______________________________________

4. (he / act) 5. (it / look)

_______________________________________ _______________________________________

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60 Unit 6Unit 6

6 What Would You Do?


G Imagine you were in these situations. Answer the questions using hypothetical conditionals or past hypothetical conditionals.

You are at the mall. You see your four-year brother take a small toy and put it in his pocket. What would you do? I would take him aside and explain to him why it is wrong and make him put it back.

You stayed up all night playing video games. The next day you took an English test and failed it. What would your mother have said if she had found out why you did poorly on the test? If you hadn’t stayed up all night playing video games, you wouldn’t have failed your English test! 1. Your parents bought you a new cell phone. You are really excited and decide to show it to your friends.

As you are going to meet your friends, the cell phone falls out of your backpack into a busy street. A car runs over it and smashes it to pieces. What could you have done differently? ____________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

2. What would your parents have said once they found out about the cell phone? __________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

3. You are eating dinner at a nice restaurant. When it’s time to pay, you realize you don’t have your wallet with you. What would you do? _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

4. You are shopping in the mall. You accidentally knock over a glass and it breaks. Nobody saw you do it. What would you do? __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

5. You are shopping in the mall. You accidentally knock over a glass and it breaks.. You don’t think anybody saw you do it, so you walk away. As you are leaving, a security guard stops you and makes you pay for damages. If you had it to do over, what would you have done differently? _________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

6. You are taking a test in chemistry class. You studied hard for it. You know your best friend didn’t study at all because he stayed up late last night watching television. You see him cheating on the test. What would you do? _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

7. You are walking out of the mall and you see a small pile of money. You pick it up and count it. There is over 500 riyals. There are a lot of people around, but you don’t think anybody saw you pick it up. You see a woman near the entrance of the mall checking her pockets and looking nervous, but you aren’t sure if the money belongs to her. What would you do? ___________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

8. Your brother is the best player on the school football team. Your parents are very strict. If he doesn’t get an A in every class, he is not allowed to play football. He has football practice every night, so you know he is very busy. He asks you to do his homework every day before class. What would you do?__________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

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Unit 6Unit 6

6 What Would You Do?


H READINGRead the article. Then answer the questions.

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral ReasoningA moral dilemma is a big problem or quandary that will have both positive and negative outcomes no

matter what decision is made. Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Reasoning describes the development that people go through when making moral decisions. It has six sequential stages, meaning that they go in order, and that no stage is ever skipped. Kohlberg’s theory is based on his research, which consisted of presenting the following Heinz Dilemma to his subjects and having them make a decision about what they would do:

A woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times what the drug cost him to produce. He paid $200 for the radium and charged $2,000 for a small dose of the drug. The sick woman’s husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together about $1,000, which was half of what it cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist said, “No, I discovered the drug and I’m going to make money from it.” So Heinz got desperate and broke into the man’s store to steal the drug for his wife. Should Heinz have broken into the laboratory to steal the drug for his wife? Why or why not?

In order to determine which stage of moral reasoning each person was in, Kohlberg would focus on how they supported the decision they made, rather than the decision itself. The stages are as follows:

Stage 1: Obedience In this stage, the focus is on avoiding punishment. The rules for right and wrong are determined by parents and teachers. Example answer: He should not steal the medicine because he will go to jail.

Stage 2: Self-Interest Subjects concentrate on their own needs and occasionally the needs of others. Fairness is present, but decisions are made based upon their own desires. Example answer: Heinz should steal the medicine because he will be happier if he saves his wife, even if he has to go to jail.

Stage 3: Conformity People in this stage will emphasize being nice or good to gain approval from others. Example answer: Heinz should steal the medicine because he wants to be a good husband.

Stage 4: Social Systems People in this stage define right and wrong by doing one’s duty to society. They are concerned with showing respect for authority and maintaining social order for its own sake. Example answer: Heinz should steal the drug for his wife but also be punished for the crime. He should also pay the druggist what he is owed.

Stage 5: Human rights In this stage, subjects are concerned with human rights. They try to define moral values apart from the authority of the group. Example answer: Heinz should steal the medicine because everyone has a right to choose life, regardless of the law.

Stage 6: Universal Human Ethics In the final stage of moral development, subjects follow self-chosen ethical principles that are valid and applied universally. Example answer: Heinz should steal the medicine, because saving a human life is a more important value than the property rights of another person.

1. Read the Heinz dilemma. What would you do if you were Heinz? Why?



2. Now read the stages again. Which stage of moral development are you in right now?


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62 Unit 6Unit 6

6 What Would You Do?

I A. Read Carl’s dilemma and answer the questions.

Carl was studying as his younger brother Sid played nearby. He had promised to keep an eye on his brother until their parents came back.

Suddenly, the phone rang; it was Mitch, Carl’s best friend. Mitch wanted to come over and show Carl a new gadget that he had just bought. Carl looked at the time. He would have to get his brother ready for bed. This was all his idea. He had suggested that they stop using a baby-sitter as he could look after Sid. As expected, their father suggested that Carl get an additional allowance for his help.

Their parents were not due back for at least an hour. He needed about 20 minutes to feed Sid and then put him to bed, so that would probably leave another half hour if he didn’t read a story to him. But without a story, Sid would probably refuse to go to sleep. He could, of course, give him that model car that he liked so much. It had small parts and it wasn’t supposed to be safe, but Sid was very careful with things like that. A prized model car for a story…Was it a good deal? But he did want to see Mitch’s new remote control for his game console. He was interested in using his extra allowance to buy one himself.

He decided to give the car to Sid. By the time he made up his mind, Mitch had arrived. Carl realized that he hadn’t fed his brother. He asked Mitch to wait, went into the kitchen and warmed up some milk. He put some cookies on a plate and gave them to Sid. Sid took one sip of milk, dropped the cup on the carpet, and started crying. The milk was too hot. Mitch suggested they give Sid some ice cream to soothe him. So Sid had ice cream for dinner, and the model car. All was well.

When their parents returned, they found Mitch and Carl playing. They knew Mitch and were happy to see that Carl had company. They asked him if he’d fed Sid and put him to sleep.

Carl said he had. All of a sudden, they heard a choking sound from Sid’s room and ran up stairs. Sid was sitting on his bed hanging onto the model car, choking on a part he had pulled off.

“Sid” said the mother. “It’s all right, hang on. Why did you take Carl’s car? I’ve told you not to.”

1. What did the mother assume? 2. What was Carl’s dilemma at that point? 3. Did Carl betray his parents’ confidence in him? Why? Why not? 4. Did he betray his younger brother? Why? Why not?

B. Read the story again and make notes on each event and its effect(s).

Event / Cause Outcome / Effect

1. the phone rang Carl wanted to see his friend’s new gadget.



What would you have done? Do you think Carl made the right decision?

If you don’t agree, what do you think he should/shouldn’t have done? Why? Why not?



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Unit 6Unit 6

6 What Would You Do?


J Study the picture and imagine how the students feel about the test. Write notes on the cause and effect of their actions before writing the test. Then write sentences to describe what they could have done differently to feel better about the test. Use past hypothetical conditionals.

Cause Effect

1. _________________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________________


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Unit 6

6 What Would You Do?

K WRITINGWrite about a time you faced a dilemma. How did you make a decision about what to do?

1. Before you write, make notes in the chart.

2. Now use your notes from the chart to write your essay.

Describe the dilemma.

What did you decide to do?

How did you make your decision? What factors did you consider?

How would things have been different if you had made a different decision?

How old were you? Where would you have fit into Kohlberg’s Theory?

64 Unit 6

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Unit 6

6 What Would You Do?


L Complete the online blog about ‘Ethics and Technology’. Use the verb in parentheses and future progressive or future perfect tense.

The technology is ready now, but are we ready for it?

Technology has completely changed the way we live and work and it will continue to do so in the future. According to a market forecast, five years from now, e-Learning will have reached (1. reach) a volume of nearly 6 billion dollars in the highest buying markets. This amount will be spent on packaged content, development services, learning platforms, tool hosting services, authoring software, and platform installation. Higher education ____________ (2. become) the largest buyer by the end of the forecast period. More than 3 million students in the U.S. ____________ (3. attend) virtual schools, and more corporations ____________ (4. use) e-Learning platforms for meetings and training sessions.

Moreover, rapid developments in robotics and A.I (Artificial Intelligence) will mean that soon we will all be able to study or work remotely from the comforts of our home: We will send our robot to school or the office instead. By 2022, it is quite possible that many households will own a robot to carry out ‘porter’ style tasks, such as fetching and carrying. By 2030, experts believe that robotics ____________ (5. develop) so significantly that smart robots will be capable of performing autonomously, and make ‘common-sense’ decisions. By 2050, some scientists believe that smart robots ____________ (6. reached) such a high level of intelligence that they will be able to provide emotional care and companionship to the elderly and sick…

M Answer the questions about the text.

1. What will have happened by 2022?




2. Would you buy a smart robot? Why? Why not?




Unit 6

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EXPANSION Units 4–666 Unit 6

6 What Would You Do?

N Complete the conversation, using the correct form of used to, be used to, would, was/ were going to.

Tom: Can I talk to you about a problem I’m struggling with?

Jim: Sure. What’s going on?

Tom: My brother isn’t doing very well in his history class. He _______________ (1. be) a really hardworking student and he _______________ (2. always/ listen) to the teacher. But lately he has become distracted. Anyway, he has asked me to write his history report for him. I _______________ (3. not/go) but I now think that maybe I should. He is my brother after all.

Jim: I don’t know. It seems kind of dishonest to me. If your brother _______________ (4. be) such a good student, why can’t he write his own report?

Tom: Well, he really wants to join the school football team and he hasn’t been concentrating on his studies. I’ve written a few papers for him over the last few months …

Jim: Oh no, Tom! That’s terrible! You should stop writing those papers.

Tom: I know, but I want my brother to do well in school. Mom and Dad _______________ (5. be/use) him getting great grades and they will be so disappointed if he fails. If I help him, he will get a better grade in history. Also, he promised that he will do all my chores for the next month, if I write the paper for him….

O Write a similar conversation between you and your best friend about the situation below. Write your conversation in your notebook. Use used to, be used to, would and was going to.

You are a writer for your school newspaper. You’re working on an article about a local water pollution problem. You think that the pollution is from a factory that dumps chemicals into the river, but you aren’t 100 percent sure. The pollution might not come from this factory. Some people are organizing a protest march in front of the factory. They want you to support them and to write a story about how bad the situation is. What will you do?

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1 Good Morning


EXPANSION Units 4 – 6

67Unit 6

A Complete the crossword puzzle. Use words from Units 4-6.


3. use something in place of something else

4. poisons

6. a topic or idea that people disagree about

8. something that comes from the sea or ocean

9. bothered

10. delicious

12. an exotic or expensive food

14. a person who sells something

15. the length of time that something lasts

16. the scent of something; odor


1. got from one’s parents or ancestry

2. done purposefully and carefully

5. disappear

7. a big problem or dilemma

11. an animal that has been tamed

13. of bad quality; not good (an informal word)

1 2






12 13

14 15






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EXPANSION Units 4 – 6

68 EXPANSION Units 4–6EXPANSION Units 4–6

B Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs and objects.

I just came from the store (come from / the store).

1. Janet ______________________________ (look down on / people) who eat fast food.

2. Let’s try to ___________________________ (figure out / it) together.

3. I would like to ____________________________ (talk over / the problem).

4. I will ________________________________ (take care of / him) while you’re away.

5. Let’s try to _____________________________ (burn off / that big meal) by walking home.

6. We haven’t ______________________________ (run into / her) in a long time.

7. I can’t _____________________________ (figure out / him).

8. Will you ____________________________ (take out / the butter)?

9. Did you ____________________________ (throw out / it)?

10. I ____________________________ (run into / them) yesterday afternoon at the mall.

C Change the sentences from active to passive.

You shouldn’t serve raw eggs.

Eggs shouldn’t be served raw.

1. People must store milk in the refrigerator. ___________________________________________________________________

2. You can make yogurt at home. ___________________________________________________________________

3. People should not eat unwashed fruit. ___________________________________________________________________

4. You don’t have to fry meats in oil. ___________________________________________________________________

5. People may keep butter out of the refrigerator for a few days. ___________________________________________________________________

6. You should serve the doughnuts with coffee or orange juice. ___________________________________________________________________

7. You shouldn’t eat ice cream every day. ___________________________________________________________________

8. People can drink soy milk as a substitute for milk. ___________________________________________________________________

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1 Good Morning


EXPANSION Units 4 – 6


D Complete the sentences with your own information. Use an appropriate conditional form.

If I saw someone shoplifting, I would call the police .

If I had seen my best friend being rude to the teacher, I would have been upset .

1. If I heard gossip about a friend, ____________________________________________.

2. If I had been born 100 years ago, __________________________________________.

3. If I found fifty riyals in the classroom, _______________________________________.

4. If I could be any animal, __________________________________________________.

5. If I had seen the robbery, _________________________________________________.

6. If I knew someone was cheating on a test, ___________________________________.

7. If I hadn’t worn these shoes today, _________________________________________.

8. If I hadn’t forgotten, _____________________________________________________.

9. If I were ______________________________________________________________.

10. If I had _______________________________________________________________.

E Correct the error in each sentence.

have answered If you had called me, I would answer.

1. If I be you, I would study for the exam.

2. Moral decisions must make carefully.

3. If I could be the president of this country, I help the poor people.

4. I threw away it yesterday because it was old.

5. Exotic pets should be train before they live around people.

6. Ahmed came the flu down with on Sunday.

7. If he hadn’t get married so young, he could have traveled the world.

8. She’s smiling as though she win a million dollars.

9. McDonald’s restaurants can found all over the world.

10. I came an interesting book across yesterday.

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EXPANSION Units 4 – 6

70 EXPANSION Units 4–6EXPANSION Units 4–6

F A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Make changes to the form when necessary.

substance refer nutrition destroy yield notice test demonstrate

Penicillin was originally (1) ______________ by a French medical student in 1896 and rediscovered by bacteriologist Alexander Fleming in London, in 1928. Fleming observed that colonies of bacteria adjacent to a blue-green mold in a culture were being (2) ______________ by the mold. He (3) ______________ the mold by producing it in a pure culture and confirmed that it produced a substance that killed a number of bacteria. Having named the (4) ______________ penicillin, Dr. Fleming published the results of his research, pointing out that mass production of penicillin could have therapeutic value.

Penicillin’s ability to kill infectious bacteria was not (5) ______________ until 1939, when Dr. Florey and his colleagues began intensive research at Oxford University. They had to turn to the United States for help during the Second World War, as resources in Britain and Europe had been depleted. They were (6) ______________ to the Peoria lab, where scientists were already working on fungal cultures.

By 1941, Andrew J. Moyer, who specialized in the (7) ______________ of molds, found a way to increase the (8) ______________ of penicillin ten times. Clinical trials, in 1943, proved that penicillin was the most effective antibacterial agent to date. Production was increased to make sure it was available to treat wounded soldiers.

Four years after mass production began, it was discovered that microbes had developed a resistance to penicillin, so the production of different types of antibiotics was necessary.

B. Read the article and write what happened on the following dates. Use passive sentences.

1896 _____________________________________________________________________

1928 _____________________________________________________________________

1939 _____________________________________________________________________

1941 _____________________________________________________________________

1943 _____________________________________________________________________

Why is it necessary for pharmaceutical companies to produce new antibiotics? __________________________________________________________________________

Why are people advised not to abuse the use of antibiotics? What are the consequences when that happens? __________________________________________________________________________

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1 Good Morning


EXPANSION Units 4 – 6


G Study the picture. Write idioms with the word mind that could describe what is happening. Then write sentences to describe the picture using some of the idioms.


1. __________________________________________________________________________


2. __________________________________________________________________________


3. __________________________________________________________________________


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EXPANSION Units 4 – 6

H WRITINGWrite an essay about a new medicine. It can be a medicine that is now being given to patients or one that is still in development. Explain the medicine, what it’s used for, and whether you think it’s a good idea or not, and why.

1. Decide what topic you want to write about.2. Use two or three sources from the library or Internet to find information about it. Use the note-taking

chart to keep track of your sources and the information you find in each.

3. Now use your notes to write your essay.

Source Notes

72 EXPANSION Units 4–6

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Speaking Skills


Requests, Offers, Refusals, and Saying Thank You

A. Work with a partner. Role-play conversations based on the following situations.

1. Offer to give a friend a ride to the shopping mall.

2. Someone comes to the door and wants to sell you something. You don’t want it.

3. Someone stops you on the street and asks you to answer some questions for a market research survey. You don’t want to do it.

4. Your friend’s cousin is coming to visit your town from New York. Offer to meet him/her for lunch one day and go sightseeing.

5. You are on a long bus journey. The person next to you has finished reading his/her magazine. Ask if you can read it.

6. You are on vacation in the U.S. You are not sure what time your bus leaves. Ask someone at the station to help you.

7. You have just won a prize in an essay contest. You have to make a speech and you would like to thank your friends and parents.

8. Explain to the appropriate person that you need to take time off from work or school to go to the dentist.

9. You need to ask your friend to lend you some money.

10. Your grandfather gives you a watch for your graduation. It’s the one that you’ve always wanted.

11. You see an old woman struggling to carry a box. Offer to carry it for her.

12. You’d like to borrow your older brother’s laptop for the day.

Asking people to do things and offering to do things for other people are things we do regularly in spoken English. Nonetheless, choosing the right words can be difficult because we don’t want to offend the other person. Study the chart below for appropriate expressions.

Requests I wonder if you’d mind…Could you possibly…?Would you mind if I (past simple)…?Would you mind verb + -ing…?Could you…?Can you…?

Offers I’ll…Would you like me to…?

Refusals Thank you, but there’s no need.Sorry, but I’m not really interested.Sorry, but that won’t be possible.Sorry, but I’d really rather not.No, thank you.

Saying thank you Thank you so much.Thank you very much.Thanks.That was very thoughtful of you.

Speaking Skills 1

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Speaking Skills

DiscussionsLook at the chart for ways to express your opinion, say whether you agree or disagree, and clarify ideas.

Expressing your opinion As far as I’m concerned…From my point of view…I think/feel/believe that…I’ve always thought/felt/believed that…In my opinion…

Agreeing I agree with…I couldn’t agree more.I think that you’ve got a very good point there.I think that’s right.

Disagreeing Actually, I don’t think that’s right.I disagree.I don’t agree.I see your point, but…I’m sorry, but I just can’t agree with that.

Clarifying ideas Another way of putting it, is to say that…Could you possibly explain what you mean by that?Do you mean that…?So if I understand you correctly, you mean…What do you mean by that?What I mean is…

A. Work with a partner. Look at the following statements and discuss each one. One of you should agree with the statement and the other should disagree. Try to discuss each topic for as long as possible. Use the phrases in the chart above when appropriate.

• Smoking should be banned all over the world.

• All children should have to attend school until they are eighteen years old.

• Cell phones should be banned in restaurants and other public places.

• Learning English isn’t as important as people think it is.

• Nobody should have to pay for health care.

• Wild animals shouldn’t be kept in zoos.

• Texting and talking on phones while driving should be illegal.

• Studying grammar is more important than practicing speaking skills.

• Twenty-one should be the legal driving age around the world.

• The government should pay for college or university education.

Speaking Skills 2

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Speaking Skills

Sounding NaturalWhen you speak in English, it’s important to try to sound as natural as possible. Ways of making your English sound natural include fillers, which are words and phrases which don’t really mean anything, but which speakers often use to open a sentence or give them a little extra time to think. Other ways of sounding natural are to take turns in a conversation instead of dominating it, and to make sounds which show that you’re interested in what the other person is saying.

Fillers Uhmm…Well…Right…You know…I mean…OK…

Turn taking What do you think?What about you?And you?Do you agree or…?

Showing signs of interest Really?Oh, yes.Uh-huh.Is that right?

A. Complete the conversation with appropriate phrases from the box.

Ali: __________, I think the first thing we need to do is decide when we’re going on vacation. __________, if we don’t decide soon, we won’t be able to make a reservation..

Fahd: __________.

Ali: So, I have, __________, five vacation days left.

Fahd: __________? I thought you only had four.

Ali: No, no. I have five, and you have five too, don’t you?

Fahd: Yeah. __________, I’d like to go to Malaysia again and go to the beach. __________?

Ali: __________, I think I’d like that too. We could go back to that hotel on the beach, __________, The Big Blue.

Fahd: Great! Let’s make a reservation.

B. Practice conversations with your partner on the following topics. Make sure you take turns and show interest in what one another is saying.

• Planning a graduation ceremony for your class

• Your favorite TV show

• Your favorite time of the year

• Your career plans

• The best cell phone to buy

Speaking Skills 3

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Speaking Skills

PowerPoint and Poster PresentationsWhen preparing a presentation, it is important to bear in mind the audience and the time available for the presentation. Most people tend to try and pack too much information into a short time. However, the key is to be selective, and present things that the audience are going to be interested in or intrigued by.

Preparation • Brainstorm ideas on the subject and make notes or audio record. • Research and collect information from different sources.• Select the items of information that you would like to present and

make notes about them, using your own words.

PowerPoint presentation

• Use sheets of paper to make rough sketches of how you want to present your subject.

• Use one sheet for each PowerPoint slide. Limit bullet points to about 4 or 5 items.

• Include photos or drawings. • Use smaller cards for your personal notes with more information

about what you plan to say to your audience.• When you use your computer, you can transfer your notes to the

space provided on each PowerPoint slide, which only you can see (not the audience).

• Use your sheets to practice/rehearse your presentation. • If you are working in groups, share the sections of the presentation

and the number of slides out equally, so that each member of the group will present/speak for approximately the same amount of time.

Poster Presentation • Cut out different-sized pieces of paper for your text or bullet points. • Cut out photos from publications or print them out.• Try out different layouts on a large sheet of paper or cardboard to

decide how you are going to compose your poster, what colors you are going to use, font size or handwriting, shapes, etc. Stick things in place temporarily, using tape that can be removed easily without damaging the paper or cardboard.

• Hold up your poster or put it up on the wall/board to check that it is not too crowded and that texts and photos are clearly visible. Make any changes you think are necessary before finally sticking things into place.

• If you are working in groups, share out sections of your presentation equally.

A. Work with a partner. Choose a topic, e.g. a sport like the ones you have read about or are familiar with, an activity, a place, or an object/device. Choose no more than 5 points to present with one or two photos/visuals. Present the topic to your partner. Comment on and evaluate each other’s presentation.

Speaking Skills 4

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.