14.10 PBE Patch 30/04/2024 - JungleDiff - PBE Coverage (2024)

Table of Contents

PBE has been updated! This post will contain all new assets added in patch 14.10. As a reminder everything here comes from the PBE (Public Beta Environment) server update and may be changed before the final release in the main client. Patches usually last 2 weeks (Patch release schedule can be found here). Below is the compilation of new content added in upcoming patch!

Champion Skins

Faerie Court Lux


A young sorceress studying under Archmage Milio, Lux is ready to prove that she’s not just an idle Lady of the Summer Court. Responsible for splitting sunbeams into rainbows through the morning dew, she has a lot of work to conquer each day before the sun rises—but she is nothing if not determined!

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PBE Bug & Feedback Thread – Faerie Court Lux

Collective Bug & Feedback Thread

Hey All!

Faerie Court Lux has to the Rift featuring:

  • Custom Models and Textures!
  • Custom VFX!
  • Custom SFX!
  • Custom Recall (B) Animation!

Faerie Court Lux is an Epic skin currently set to 1350 RP on PBE! Enjoy!

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Faerie Court Tristana


As plucky Quartermaster to the Royal Guard and Lady Kalista’s new right hand fae, Tristana cultivates all sorts of magical plant-based weaponry to help protect Her Majesty the Queen! Most of them are some form of sprout, flower, vine, or moss. All of them are incredibly destructive.

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PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Faerie Court Tristana

Collective Bug & Feedback Thread

“Wanna see the fireworks?”

Faerie Court Tristana comes with:

  • Custom models and textures!
  • Custom VFX!
  • Custom SFX!
  • Custom Recall!

Faerie Court Tristana should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions you have so far down below!

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Faerie Court Lillia


Lady of the Winter Court and Keeper of the Seelie Heart-tree, Lillia records the history of the Faerie Queendoms in the ancient tree’s rings, freezing events into forested, ever-growing archives. When Lillia discovers that someone has tried to tamper with her work, however, she must rally her courage—there is trouble afoot!

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PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread – Faerie Court Lillia

Collective Bug & Feedback Thread

Hello All!

“Me? A dream come true.”


Faerie Court Lillia is heading onto the Rift with:

  • Custom models and textures!
  • Custom VFX!
  • Custom SFX!
  • Custom recall Animation!

Faerie Court Lillia is set to be 1350 RP.

Faerie Court Lillia is available on PBE! As players who get a first-hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts. Drop your feedback in the thread below!

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Faerie Court Soraka


Soraka, the Court’s royal herbalist, is a top-notch healer and expert on the powers contained in the materials of the natural world. There’s no malady she can’t handle with the right selection of plants and her trusty beetle buddies at her side! Except, perhaps, the malady at the heart of the Royal Court…

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PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Faerie Court Soraka

Collective Bug & Feedback Thread

“The whole world in balance.”

Faerie Court Soraka comes with:

  • Custom models and textures!
  • Custom VFX!
  • Custom SFX!
  • Custom Recall!

Faerie Court Soraka should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions you have so far down below!

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Victorious Kog’Maw

-Ranked Reward-

Kog’Maw was earned by players who accumulated enough split points in Ranked. Those curious enough to follow the shimmering ooze trailing from the mouth of a crevasse, have but a moment to recognize that same curiosity in Kog’Maw’s glittering stare before finding themselves enveloped in his terrible mouth.

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PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Victorious Kog’Maw

Collective Bug & Feedback Thread


“Keep coming! Not full!”

Victorious Kog’Maw comes with:

  • Custom models and textures!
  • Custom VFX!
  • Custom SFX!
  • Custom Recall!

Victorious Kog’Maw should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions you have so far down below!

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TFT end pass reward

Lucky to have you, I’m the lucky one

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Dangerous Duo

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TFT free pass rewards

Tempest Pengu, Superfan Pengu, Crimson Cobalt Sparkle

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TFT emotes

Spill the tea, Going Wild, Blade Dance, HA

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“An icon that celebrates a 2024 Teamfight Tactics event.”

TFT Unforgiven Cosplay Pengu Icon, Championship Duckbill Icon

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TFT Battle Academia Ezreal Collection Icon

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PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: 14.9 Chromas

Faerie Court Lux

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Faerie Court Tristana

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Faerie Court Lillia

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Faerie Court Soraka

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Victorious Kog’Maw


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Bronze, Silver, Gold

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Platinum, Emerald, Diamond

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Master, Grandmaster, Challenger

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Mid-season balance changes

All changes via @Spideraxe30 on twitter

Predator and Lethal Tempo are being removed


New Rune: Cash Back, replaces Triple Tonic on the first row. Triple Tonic was moved to row 2 and replaces Future’s Market

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New Rune: Jack of All Trades. Replaces Time Warp Tonic on Row 3. Time Warp Tonic moved to Row 2 and replaces Minion Dematerializer

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New Rune: Legend: Haste. Replaces Legend: Tenacity.

[tooltip is wrong: should be [Basic ability haste] instead of [ability haste]]

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New Rune: Absorb Life. Heal numbers are 2 – 17. This replaces Overheal

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Ingenious Hunter was removed.


Cut Down
– New effect is deal 8% more damage to champs who have more then 60% max HP

Press the Attack changes: – Base damage reduced from 40 – 180 to 40 – 160 – Cooldown changed from 6 after triggering to 5 out of combat – Duration changed from 6 seconds to 5 seconds, refreshing in combat

Fleet Footwork changes: – Base heal reduced from 10 – 130 to 8 – 110 – Speed duration increased from 1 to 1.25

Hail of Blades nerf: – Attack speed reduced to 80% for ranged

Sudden Impact rework: – Cooldown increased from 4 to 10 – Now deals 20 – 80 bonus true damage with 5 seconds after dashing or leaving stealth instead of hybrid pen

Relentless Hunter nerf: – No longer grants 5 move speed at 0 stacks

Font of Life rework: – Immobilizing enemies now heals user and lowest HP ally for 10 – 50, reduced to 70% for ranged

First Strike chages: – Bonus increased from 7% to 8% – Base gold increased by 10 – Gold from damage reduced from 100%/70% to 50%/35%

Time Warp Tonic changes: – No longer works on biscuits, mana items, or grants 2% move speed – Immediate consumption increased from 30% to 40%


New Item: Overlord’s Bloodmail

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New Item: Yun Tal Wildarrows

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Zephyr is back as a Berserker’s Greaves upgrade

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New Item: Blackfire Torch

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Replacement Item: Navori Flickerblade, replaces Quickblade14.10 PBE Patch 30/04/2024 - JungleDiff - PBE Coverage (91)

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New component item: Fated Ashes. Builds into Blackfire Torch and Liandry’s14.10 PBE Patch 30/04/2024 - JungleDiff - PBE Coverage (93)

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New component item: Scout’s Slingshot. Replaces Kircheis Shard, builds into Statikk Shiv, Runaan’s Hurricane and Rapid Firecannon

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New Boots: Symbiotic Soles. Replaces Mobility Boots

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ALL Legendary crit items have 25% crit now

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Lord Dominik’s Regards change. Loses its passive for more armor pen and AD

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Kraken Slayer, AD and AS up and crit replaced by move speed. Increased damage is now based on missing HP instead of consecutive attacks.

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Blade of the Ruined King changes:
– AD, attack speed and life steal increased
Health damage reduced
– Slow is no longer decreased for ranged

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Plated Steelcap changes:
-Passive nerfed from 12% to 8%
– Cost reduced by 100
– +5 armor

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Merc Tread changes:
– Cost reduced by 100
– MR increased by +5
– Tenacity reduced from 30% to 20%

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Boots of Swiftness changes:
– Move speed reduced from 60 to 45
– Slow resist removed
– Auto attacks now grant 30/20 move speed for 2 seconds

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Dagger nerf:
– Attack speed reduced from 12% to 10%

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Bami’s Cinder changes:
– Glowing Mote replaces 1 Ruby Crystal in recipe
– Cost reduced by 100 – Health reduced by 100
– Now grant 5 ability haste
– Minion and monster damage increased from 125% to 140%

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Hearthbound Axe changes:
– Long Sword replaces 1 Dagger in recipe
– Cost increased by 150
– AD increased by 5
-Attack speed reduced by 5%

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Noonquiver changes: – Dagger replaced by Cloak – Cost increased by 100 – Now grants 20% crit instead of 15% attack speed – AD reduced by 5 – No longer deal 20 damage to minions and monsters

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Recurve Bow damage changed from magic to physical

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Verdant Barrier cost reduced by 100

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Zeal crit chance increased from 15% to 20%

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Bloodthirster changes: – Cloak replaced by Pickaxe – Crit chance removed – AD increased by 25 – Now converts excess life steal into a 50 – 400 shield for 2 seconds instead of AD above 70% max HP

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Essence Reaver changes: – Sheen replaced by BF Sword – Cost increased by 300 – No longer has a spellblade effect, instead restores 15 + 10% bonus AD mana on-hit – Crit chance increased to 25% – AD and ability haste increased by 5

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Immortal Shieldbow changes: – Cloak and Vamp Scepter replaced by Noonquiver – Crit chance increased to 25% – AD increased by 5 – Life steal removed

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Collector changes: – Pickaxe replaced by BF Sword – Crit chance increased to 25% – AD increased by 5 – Lethality reduced by 1

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Infinity Edge changes: – Cost increased by 100 – Crit chance increased to 25% – AD increased by 15

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Mercurial Scimitar changes: – Cloak replaced by Vamp Scepter – Cost increased by 300 – Crit chance removed – Now grants 10% life steal

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Phantom Dancer changes: – Attack speed, crit and move speed increased – AD and passive removed – Cost reduced by 200

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Rapid Firecannon changes: – Long Sword and Kircheis Shard replaced by Scout’s Slingshot – Cost reduced by 400 – Crit chance increased to 25% – AD removed – Attack speed increased by 15%14.10 PBE Patch 30/04/2024 - JungleDiff - PBE Coverage (120)

Runaan’s Hurricane changes: – Recurve Bow replaced by Scout’s Slingshot – Cost reduced by 200 – No longer deals 30 on-hit damage – AD ratio increased from 40% to 50% – Crit chance increased to 25%

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Statikk Shiv changes: – New recipe Scout’s Slingshot + Hearthbound Axe (same price) – Crit chance removed – Attack speed increased by 10% – New passive killing enemies fires chain lightning that deals 90 magic damage hits up to 6 additional targets (3s cooldown) – Takedown damage is tripled and has no cooldown

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Black Cleaver buff: – Shred per stack increased from 5% to 6%14.10 PBE Patch 30/04/2024 - JungleDiff - PBE Coverage (123)

Terminus changes: – Recurve Bow and BF Sword replaced by Hearthbound Axe – AD reduced by 5 – Attack speed increased by 5%

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Abyssal Mask changes: – Cost reduced by 200 – Aura radius increased from 550 to 700 – MR shred changed from 5 + 1.2% bonus HP to 20% MR – MR reduced by 10

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Anathema’s Chains removed

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Hollow Radiance changes: – Now grants 10 ability haste – Health reduced from 600 to 450

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Knight’s Vow changes: – Now has Rejuv Bead in recipe – Armor reduced by 5 – Now grants 100% HP regen – Damage redirect increased from 10% to 12% – Redirect is no longer doubled below 30% HP

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Randuin’s Omen changes: – No longer has Rock Solid passive – Slow increased from 55% to 70% – Cooldown increased by 30 seconds – Health reduced by 50 – Armor increased by 20

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Sunfire Aegis changes: – Now grants 10 ability haste – Health reduced by 150

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Unending Despair buff: – Cooldown reduced from 7 seconds to 5

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Warmog’s Armor changes: – Health increased from 750 to 1000 – Health regen reduced from 200% to 100%14.10 PBE Patch 30/04/2024 - JungleDiff - PBE Coverage (132)

Winter’s Approach and Fimbulwinter changes: – Ruby Crystal replaced by Giant’s Belt – Health increased by 150 – Health from mana changed from 8% TOTAL to 15% BONUS

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Zeke’s Convergence changes: – Glacial Buckler replaced by Cloth Armor and Null Magic – Mana removed – Ability haste reduced by 10 – Health increased by 100 – Armor reduced by 5 – Now grants 25 MR

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Dawncore changes: – Bandleglass Mirror replaced by 2 Forbidden Idols – Summoner spell and ability haste removed – Mana regen reduced by 50% – AP increased by 20 – AP per 100% mana regen increased from 5 to 10 – Now grants 16% h/s power – H/S per 100% regen reduced from 3% to 2%

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Liandry’s change: – Blasting Wand replaced by Fated Ashes

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Luden’s Companion changes: – Base damage increased from 45 to 60 – Damage per charge increased from 35% to 50% – Now gains all 6 charges immediately after 12 seconds instead of 1 every 3

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Voltaic Cyclosword changes: – Kircheis Shard replaced by 2 Long Swords

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– Corrupting Potion is removed

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Barrier buffs:
– Shield increased from 105 – 411 to 120 – 480
– Duration increased from 2 seconds to 2.5

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Exhaust changes:
– Slow increased from 30% to 40%
– Cooldown increased from 210 to 240 seconds

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Ghost nerfs:
– Duration reduced from 15 seconds to 13
– Cooldown increased from 210 to 240

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Comment Section

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Category: PBEupdate

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Last Updated:

Views: 6597

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.